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He stopped me again: "Dinna mak' it waur wi' yir explanations. I un'erstaun' fine. I un'erstaun' noo why they ca' ye a feenished preacher ye're damn weel feenished for me an' Betsy. Ye're a wolf in sheep's claes, an' I'm sair at hairt the nicht."

Death is a near ally to religion, and Michael, by taking a religious view o' the maither, might bring his hairt into such a condition of insensibility as wad give him little to do but to tell what has happened, leaving God, in his ain maircy, to temper the wind to the shorn lamb." "You hear, O'Hearn?" said the serjeant, stiffly "Everybody seems to expect that you will do this duty." "Jewty!

"He was sae bonny, Ellen, and that like his mither 'twould melt the hairt oot o' ye to look on him." "Ha'e ye no mair to tell me? Surely it never took ye these ten days to find oot what ye ha'e tell't." "The man was a kind sort o' a body, an' he took me oot to eat wi' him at a cafy, an' he paid it himsel', but I'm thinkin' his purse was sair empty whan he got through wi' it. I could na' help it.

Neither of the watchers was thinking of the crime and the criminal, of Sir Lucien Pyne or Kazmah, but of Mrs. Monte Irvin, mysterious victim of a mysterious tragedy. "Oh, Dan! ye must find her! ye must find her! Puir weak hairt dinna ye ken how she is suffering!" Clairvoyantly, to Kerry's ears was borne an echo of his wife's words. "The traffic!" he whispered.

Wha kens? He heaved a sigh, but his eye twinkled satirically, 'The hairt o' man is deceitfu' an' daisperitly wicked, and he lifted the whites of his eyes heavenward like a hound mourning. 'Was the poor man robbed? I inquired shortly. 'Ay, was he, returned my uncle; 'he was seemingly stuffed wi' bank-notes for payin' his men the day. He was gangin' hame after supper gey fou, maist like.

"I thank ye wi' a' my hairt for your interference on our behalf. I heerd how closely ye were beset that night and how ye escaped. They thought nae mair o' us, and when the royal army arrived the next day we were safe; but ye might as weel ha' let the matter gang on better, indeed, for then I should be deed instead o' suffering.

I was dwalling then in my faither's house; and it's a curious thing that we were whiles trysted in the Deil's Hags. And do ye no think that I have mind of the bonny simmer days, the lang miles o' the bluid-red heather, the cryin' o' the whaups, and the lad and the lassie that was trysted? Do ye no think that I mind how the hilly sweetness ran about my hairt? Ay, Mr.

I'm sair soiled, I ken, but love can weave its robe o' white for the very hairt it stained. And I maun be true till the gloamin's gone. So think o' yir mother as aye true to yir faither, and it'll mebbe help yir sorrow to ken there's aye this bond between yir faither and her wha bore ye. And Angus, dinna let him ken, gin ye should ever meet.

An' then he began tellin' me a string o' talk an' I could na' mak' head nor tail o't, so I asked again, 'If ye're a friend o' his, wull ye tell me whaur he's gone? an' then he said it straight oot, 'To Ameriky, an' it fair broke my hairt." For a minute Jean sat and sipped her tea, and wiped the tears from her eyes; then she took up the thread of her story again.

"No! he's up again," cried Lord Ipsden; "but I fear he can't live till the boat comes to him." The fisherman and the viscount held on by each other. "He does na see her, or maybe he'd tak hairt." "I'd give ten thousand pounds if only he could see her. My God, the man will be drowned under our eyes. If he but saw her!!!"