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The more talkative of the gunmen from the East Side flashed one look at the two automatics lying on the floor beside the overturned table. They might as well have been in Brazil for all the good they were to him. "For the love o' Mike," he repeated again helplessly. "You're the the " " the hick that was to have been framed for house-breaking. Yes, I'm him," admitted Clay idiomatically.

"But why the devil don't the boys get together if they know Butch is coming with his gunmen?" "That's what they've done. Every able-bodied man in town is out in the hills trying to surprise Conklin's gang before they hit town with their guns going." Butler was a one-legged man, so Nash kept back the question which naturally formed in his mind. "How do they know Conklin is coming?

There was a moment of confusion and then, as McBain turned to run, the bang of Rimrock's gun. Andrew McBain went down, falling forward on his face, and as Rimrock whirled on the startled gunmen they shot blindly and broke for cover. The fight had got beyond them, their hearts were not in it and they knew that McBain was dead.

The Company then began to have Negroes arrested on charges of vagrancy, taking them before the city court and having them fined and turned over to the Company to work out the fines under the guard of gunmen.

"Ike the Dropper, sah," informed the waiter with obvious pride that such a celebrity should be harboured here. I looked with a feeling akin to awe at the famous character who, in common with many others of his type, had migrated uptown from the proverbial haunts of the gunmen on the East Side in search of pastures new and untroubled.

What he'll face will be worse than twenty gunmen." "The gent that smiles, eh?" "Yes, John Mark. No, no, I didn't mean " "But you did, and I knew it, too. It's John Mark that's between you and Bill. I seen you in the street, when you were talking to poor Bill, look back over your shoulder at that devil standing in the window of this house." "Don't call him that!"

"I nevah take life unless it's forced on me. If I did, I'd soon make Lost Springs a bettah place to live in. Now turn yo' backs with yo' hands in the air and ride! The next time I shoot, it's goin' to be on sight! Vamose! Pronto!" Muttering angrily under their breath, Garvey and his gunmen obeyed the order. Yet Kid Wolf knew that the trouble had not been averted, but merely postponed.

"These fellows out here think they are a pretty tough lot," he said grimly, "but there are plenty of boys back on the East Side who could show them a few tricks. You know that part of the old town?" "Not very well," she admitted with apparent regret, "but of course I read a good bit about it in the papers the desperate characters, gunmen, and all those the police have so much trouble with.

The men of the Golden City would be merciless to compatriots of Jacaro's gunmen. And Tommy had Evelyn to look out for. When dawn came, his face was drawn and lined. Evelyn woke with a little gasp, staring affrightedly about her. Then she tried gamely to smile. "Morning, Tommy," she said shakily. She added in a brave attempt at levity: "Where do we go from here?"

Now, if ever, this polyglot horde must have leadership wise and cool and resourceful leadership. The crowd, discovering his presence, surged down upon him like a wave. They gathered round him, howling. They had lost the rest of their committee, but they still had Joe Smith. Joe Smith! Hurrah for Joe! Let the gunmen take him, if they could!