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"The one that's left. Tell him there will be none left if he continues this gum-shoe work. He had better let well enough alone, and let that little girl get out of town as soon as possible. The papers will go crazy over a scandal like this, and some one is apt to grab Van Cleft. That's all. Good-bye!" Silently Shirley shut off the lever of the machine, to catch up the receiver.

She won't run away," and he nodded toward the dead woman. "Oh!" There was a world of meaning in Darcy's interjection. "You mean that I " "I don't mean nothin'!" broke in Mulligan. "I leave that to the gum-shoe men. Come on, if you want to call what's-her-name!" Then, just as Darcy had expected, she began to cry and moan when she heard her mistress was dead, and refused to come from her room.

He jerked open a drawer of the "gum-shoe" desk, flung the letter inside where I found it accidentally one day some weeks afterward and dropping into the swivel-chair laid his feet on the "gum-shoe" blotter and a moment later seemed to have fallen asleep. By all of which signs those of us who knew him began to suspect that the Corporal had something on his mind.

But please note further; these expenditures may be only "for cab or boat hire, meals away from home, and LIQUOR and CIGARS!" Plainly the "gum-shoe" should be a bachelor. Fortunately, however, the proprietor of the expense account is not required personally to consume it each month.

"It's nothing but adding an' subtracting, this gum-shoe work. Y've got t' keep at it till it adds right. Y' don't realize, Mr. Crawford, how many times I almost put my hand on your shoulder; but y' didn't add up right. I shan't go at Webb like a load o' bricks. I'll nose around first. Take a peek int' his belongings while you folks keep him busy downstairs.

As Higginson's catspaw, she was certainly the most screaming failure that the whole world could have yielded. What, oh what, would the old gum-shoe have said if he could have heard that invitation? "Thank you, but that is quite impossible." "I am awfully sorry." There was a faint stiffening in her manner.

The next day Fred's friend said again: "Kendrick's doing some gum-shoe work, Starratt... You'd better go awful slow." With the coming of May other anxieties claimed Starratt's attention. Bills that he had forgotten or neglected began to pour in.

"Unfortunately," said Mary, "he has to go to Albany this afternoon, I believe." "To resume our conversation, Mrs. Marne," said Peter. "I shouldn't if I were you," Hare recommended. "If memory serves, it was hardly worth it. Why not, instead, permit me to tell the story of the seven fat men of Kilgore?" McTosh, of the gum-shoe tread, shuffled courses dextrously.

"'My name's Bill Bassett, says he to me, 'and if you'll call it professional pride instead of conceit, I'll inform you that you have the pleasure of meeting the best burglar that ever set a gum-shoe on ground drained by the Mississippi River. "Well, me and this Bill Bassett sits on the ties and exchanges brags as artists in kindred lines will do.

While so engaged the latter discovered him, and gruffly ordered him to remove the cot to the bunk-house. "Put him in with the men," growled Slevin. "Serves the dam' spy right." "Spy? Is he a gum-shoe?" Mr. Hyde paused, a pillow slip between his teeth. "That's what! Me and Jack was honest enough to run things all winter, but we ain't honest enough to clean up.