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It is not too late, however, to tiptoe to the grillroom and offer a toast to our young sister of the snows. "There was subdued cheers and they tiptoed. Ben Sutton was telling the judge that he felt highly complimented, but it was a mistake to ring in that snow stuff on Alaska. She'd suffered from it too long.

In France at the outbreak of war The tocsin The "Voice of the Bell" at Harrow Canon Simpson's theory about bells His "five-tone" principle Myself as a London policeman Experiences with a celebrated church choir The "Grillroom Club" Famous members Arthur Cecil Some neat answers Sir Leslie Ward Beerbohm Tree and the vain old member Amateur supers Juvenile disillusionment The Knight The Baron Age of romance passed.

He spent money like a prince of fiction. And then a weird and gorgeous musical comedy engaged their attention. Afterward there was a late supper in a grillroom, with champagne, and Kernan at the height of his complacency.

She developed this theme to-day, not only on the stairs leading to the grillroom, but even after they had seated themselves at their table. It was a relief to Bill when the arrival of the waiter with food caused a break in the conversation and enabled him adroitly to change the subject. 'What have you been doing this morning? he asked. 'I went to see Maginnis at the theatre. 'Oh!

Sid, entering the studio by the door Kenny had forgotten to lock, found abundant evidence of frenzied packing and carried the news to the grill. "I knew it," he said. "I knew it last night. By the Lord Harry, it was in his eye. Where on earth d'you suppose he's gone?" "God knows," said Garry and heartily wished he'd kept the grillroom verdict to himself.

I don't believe the judge could stick me anywhere in the subject of torts." "Say, boys," said Vandover, pausing and looking at his watch, "it isn't very late; let's go downtown and have some oysters." "That's a good idea," answered young Haight. "How about you, Charlie?" Geary said he was willing. "Ah," he added, "you ought to have seen the beefsteak I had this evening at the Grillroom."

Meanwhile Phineas Duge, who had had a tiresome voyage, and who was not a little fatigued, slept during the greater part of the morning following his arrival, with his faithful valet encamped outside the door. The first guest to be admitted, when at last he chose to rise, was Littleson. It was close upon luncheon time, and the two men descended together to the grillroom of the hotel.

I've just come from making a call with the boys. Had a fine time; what are you drinking, whisky? I'm going to have something to eat. Didn't have much of a lunch to-day, but you ought to have seen the steak I had at the Grillroom as thick as that, and tender! Oh, it went great! Here, hang my coat up there on that side, will you?"

In a fit of restlessness he abandoned his usual table in the House of Commons grillroom, and dined instead at the Sheridan Club, where he drank a great deal of champagne and absorbed with ready appreciation and amusement the philosophy of the man of pleasure. This was one of the impulses which kept his nature pliant even in the midst of these days of crisis.

He determined to breakfast downtown, as he would arrive home too late for one meal and too early for the other. Almost all of his money had been lost with the Mazatlan; he found he had but a dollar left. He would have preferred breakfasting at the Grillroom, but concluded he was too shabby in appearance, and he knew he would get more for his money at the Imperial.