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"I went to the Grillroom after I left the tailor's," continued Geary, "and had supper downtown. Ah, you ought to have seen the steak they gave me! Just about as thick as it was wide. I gave the slavey a four-bit tip. Oh, it's just as well, you know, to keep in with them, if you go there often. I lunch there four or five times a week."

You can't do my job like that. Here's twenty pounds on account. I'm going to stroll around to the Milan Grillroom and take a table for luncheon. I shall expect you there in half an hour. You're in the neighbourhood for quick changes." Slate took the money and reached for his hat. "Come along, then. You take the lift down. I'll go by the stairs.

"The grillroom," she decided, after a moment's reflection. "We can go and sit out in the foyer afterwards and have our coffee." The cocktails and Wingate's choice of a table were alike approved.

Even Judge Ballard, who seems nine feet tall in his Prince Albert, and usually looks quite dignified and hostile with his long dark face and his moustache and goatee even the good old judge was rattled after a brief and unhappy effort to hold a bit of converse with the guest of honour. Him and Jeff Tuttle went to the grillroom twice in ten minutes.

But the big thing is we're human; just folks, as a man in the grillroom said one night. We're human and we're kind. It's not a smart set, dear. And it's not an ultra-fashionable four-hundredy thing. God forbid! It's the kind of Bohemia I love. And I'm sure you'll love it too." Her eyes were shining. In the dusk her color came to him like the glimmer of a flower. "Kenny!" she exclaimed.

His social progress in the salad days of his first term in the Assembly had begun in a saloon behind the capitol much frequented by departmental clerks, whence through hotel corridor intercourse he evolved by his second session to a grillroom, patronized by public servants of higher cast who gave stag dinners and occasional theatre parties, which called for evening dress.

"Both the bar and the grillroom," Ferrani assured him. "If he had been suddenly taken ill " Molly murmured. "But there is no place in which he could have been taken ill which we have not searched," Ferrani reminded her. "And besides," Holderness intervened, "Sandy was in the very pink of health, and bubbling over with high-spirits." "One noticed that," Lutchester remarked, a little drily.

He met Catherine that evening in the lobby of what he believed to be a fashionable grillroom, in a swallow-tailed coat, a badly fitting shirt with a single stud-hole, a black tie, a collar which encircled his neck like a clerical band, and ordinary walking boots.

Then all at once they began to run, and I knew Wilfred had made another dash for liberty. Pretty soon they scattered out and seemed to be beating up the shrubbery down by the creek. And after a bit some of 'em straggled back. They paid no attention to us ladies, but made for the grillroom. "'We lost him in that brush beyond the fifth hole, says Alonzo.

I was standing in the hall when Ben led him tenderly into the grillroom with two fingers. "'Here is our well-known poet and bon vivant, says Ben to Alonzo, who had followed 'em in. So Alonzo bristles up to Wilfred and glares at him and says: 'All joking aside, is that one of my new shirts you're wearing or is it not?