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Ha! the window-curtains will muffle the sound; say it from behind them, I pray." When this was over Tree buried his face in his hands, feigning deep emotion, and Mr. Smith regained his place wreathed in smiles, convinced that he had achieved an unparalleled triumph as a reciter, but Tree had won his 5 pounds. That gifted man Charles Brookfield was also a member of the "Grill-room."

A hundred ladies and gentlemen from the inn and summer cottages flitted in and about it. To the left of the dusty roadway down which the hermit had tramped were the inn and grill-room. Something seemed to be on there, too. The windows were brilliantly lighted, and music was playing music different from the two-steps and waltzes of the casino band.

Magee saw the girl and her long-absent lover whispering together in the firelight; he wondered if they, too, imagined themselves at Baldpate in the summer; if they heard the waltz in the casino, and the laughter of men in the grill-room. Ten o'clock, said the town hall pompously. She was at the station now.

Aren't these fine, Johnson?" the man demanded of the proprietor. "Going to buy these trout for the hotel?" "I can't afford to put such costly fish on the bill of fare," replied Johnson candidly. "Man, you don't have to," replied the other. "Send these trout to the grill-room ice-box. Let guests who want brook trout order them as extras. Why, I'll eat a few of these myself, if you serve 'em."

If you take your meals in the Carlton grill-room and drink at the Cecil you can pick up more good stories than we can print. You will find lots of your friends over there. Some of those girls who married dukes," he suggested, "know you, don't they?" "Not since they married dukes," said Ford. "Well, anyway, all your other friends will be there," continued the managing editor encouragingly.

It was George's practice, when he lunched alone, to relieve the tedium of the meal with the assistance of reading matter in the shape of one or more of the evening papers. Today, sitting down to a solitary repast at the Piccadilly grill-room, he had brought with him an early edition of the Evening News.

"Well, as a matter of fact, I was going to ask if you would stagger along and have a bite with us in the grill-room?" "I will not!" "I'll sign the bill," said Archie, ingratiatingly. "You don't think much of it? Oh, right-o!" It seemed to Archie, as he surveyed his position at the end of the first month of his married life, that all was for the best in the best of all possible worlds.

In the grill-room of the Camelot he came face to face with Ormsby, and learned, something to his astonishment, that the Breezeland party had returned to the capital on the first train in from the west. "I thought you were going to stay a month or more," he said, with his eyes cast down. "So did I," said Ormsby. "But Mrs. Brentwood cut it short. She's a town person, and so is Penelope."

Perhaps truly no one noticed the eagerly talking, middle-aged woman and her pretty and serious little companion, as they sat in a quiet corner of the big grill-room, eating their dinner, but Julia noticed everything, and even while she answered Miss Toland politely, her eyes were moving constantly to and fro.

The diplomat beckoned to the waiter. The waiter stepped forward with the coats and hats. His tip was exactly ten cents, and out of this the head waiter must have his percentage. Three nights later, as Hillard and Merrihew were dining together at the club, the steward came into the grill-room and swept his placid eye over the groups of diners.