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While Hedrick was dressing the jagged little cut, Grenfall complacently surveyed the patient in the mirror opposite, and said to himself a hundred times: "You lucky dog! It was worth forty gashes like this. By Jove, she's divine!" In a fever of eager haste he bathed and attired himself for dinner, the imperturbable Hedrick assisting.

The coach door flew open, and Light-horse Jerry yelled: "Here y'are! I made her!" "I should say you did!" exclaimed Grenfall, climbing out and drawing her after him gently. "Here's your ten." "I must send you something, too, my good fellow," cried the lady. "What is your address quick?" "William Perkins, O , West Virginny, ma'am."

His eyes are true. Grenfall believes in him, too, and so does Mr. Anguish. Gren says he would swear by him, no matter who he is." "But the others?" Beverly whispered. "Baron Dangloss is his friend, and so is Quinnox. They know a man. The count is different." "I loathe that old wretch!" "Hush! He has not wronged you in any way." "But he has been unfair and mean to Baldos."

Then the young girl at the side of the woman whose beauty had drawn a man half around the world saw the tall strangers, and called her companion's attention to them. Once more Grenfall Lorry and Miss Guggenslocker were looking into each other's eyes.

These friends of Axphain will resort to any subterfuge, now that one of their number has staked his life. Mark my word, some one will deliberately swear that he saw Grenfall Lorry strike the blow and that will be as villainous a lie as man ever told. What I am here for, your Highness, is to ask if that decree cannot be withdrawn." "Alas, it cannot!

At luncheon he saw her in the dining car. Her companions were elderly persons presumably her parents. They talked mostly in French occasionally using a German word or phrase. The old gentleman was stately and austere with an air of deference to the young woman which Grenfall did not understand.

As if in a daze, she saw Grenfall Lorry with the Countess Yvonne standing exactly opposite to her, he with the others, awaiting the appearance of the princess and the one who was to sit beside her. The music ceased, there was a hush over the room, and then Yetive came forward, magnificent in her royal robes, smiling and happy.

"I was mot wrong," thought Grenfall; "he looks like a duelist. Who the devil are they, anyhow?" Then aloud: "At this rate we'd be able to beat the train to Washington in a straight-away race. Isn't it a delightfully wild ride?" "I have acquired a great deal of knowledge in America, but this is the first time I have heard your definition of delight. I agree that it is wild."

So deeply is my heart set on the death of this Grenfall Lorry that I agree now, before all these friends of ours, that if he be captured, and executed in my presence, before the twentieth of November, Graustark shall be granted the extension of time that would have obtained in the event of your espousal with the man he killed. You hear this offer, all? It is bound by my sacred word of honor.

Grenfall Lorry returned to Washington as in a dream a fairy dream. The air of mystery that had grown from the first was now an impenetrable wall, the top of which his curiosity could not scale. Even his fancy, his imagination, served him not. There was but one point on which he was satisfied: he was in love. His own condition was no mystery.