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Afterward the will was read. Aunt Patty had made a new one on the death of her sister. There was a small legacy to the niece who had married; a remembrance to several relatives and friends. The use of the house was to be Mrs. Whitney's while she lived; at her death to be sold and divided between her niece, Delia Whitney, and her grand-niece, Eleanora Whitney.

His heirs continued to enjoy the royal favour throughout successive reigns; and Sir Francis Knollys, one of his descendants, who likewise was a garter-knight in the earlier part of the sixteenth century, espoused Catherine Cary, a grand-daughter of the Earl of Wiltshire, and a grand-niece of Queen Anne Boleyn. Two sons were born of this marriage, and were named Henry and William respectively.

The Patriarch lowered the slate from his eyes, shook his head a little pathetically, and began to write. "I do not think they would have cared to come, even if they were still alive; but they are all gone many years ago except perhaps a grand-niece, and I do not know what has become of her." "Why, that's just the thing," wrote Madison. "Suppose we try to find her?"

And, as far as the town is concerned, apart from the fact that you are a grand-niece, orphaned, you don't have to know anything about yourself, either that's part of the Patriarch's dark, mysterious past, where the lights go out and the fiddles get rickets. "That's about all. I'll let you know when to come. Remember me to Mr. Coogan and Harry, and keep my picture under your pillow.

It was a study, deliberately arranged and deliberately posed for in the artist's studio. He was mystified. Why should she, the daughter of Colonel Castleton, the grand-niece of an earl, be engaged in posing for what evidently was meant to be a commercial product of this whilom artist?

"My sweet wee lassie my bonnie, bonnie birdie!" said the tender-hearted old lady, who often treated her grand-niece as if she were a child. "If I had known sooner that poor Angus had left a daughter! My dearie, come back soon." "In a month, Auntie Flora." "A month seems long. At eighty years one should not boast of the morrow. That is why I will tell ye now what rests on my mind."

"I know I must look like a guy, and she can't help laughing, of course; but if she does, I'll never speak to her as long as I live, and I'll leave this craft the very first chance I get." While these thoughts were crowding fast upon one another, the boy was being dragged into the dining-room by Cap'n Cod, and formally presented as "Mr. Winn, of Massachusetts," to "my grand-niece Sabella, sir."

Through a gap in the crowd she could see Lady Hayes holding as it were a secondary court, being thanked effusively for possessing a grand-niece with a faculty for recovering jewels, and bowing acknowledgments with a bright patch of colour on either cheekbone.

Madison," said Hiram Higgins importantly, "this be the Patriarch's grand-niece come to stay with him." From under a picture hat, Helena's eyes smiled down at Madison. "Oh, I am so glad to meet you, Mr. Madison," she said cordially. "Mr. Higgins has been telling me about you, and how good you have been to my my grand-uncle." "You are very kind to say so, Miss Vail," responded Madison modestly.

I haven't had such a good time since my husband's little grand-niece came on for a week. There's nothing like dressing a girl, after all." And Phyllis could only kiss her. But when her guest had gone she laid all the boxes of finery under her bed, the only place where there was any room. She would not take any of it out, she determined, till her summons came.