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At the earliest stroke of the gong the versatile Emperor, accompanied by many persons of irreproachable ancestry and certain others, very elaborately attired, proceeds to an open space set apart for the occasion.

Annaple remembered at last that she ought to go and look after her guests, assisted therein by the pleasure of giving May a hearty kiss and light squeeze, with a murmur that 'all was right. She brought them downstairs just as the gong was sounding, and the rush of girls descending from the schoolroom, and Lady Ronnisglen being wheeled across the hall in her chair.

It's so sort of chummy. And with a girl like Vee, to share it with well, I don't care how long it lasts, that's all. And the next thing we knows there goes the luncheon gong. As we climbs down to the main deck where we can get a view forward, Vee gives me a nudge and snickers.

The illustrious Delobelle, disgusted to see that no one called upon him for anything, decided to call upon himself for something, and began in a voice as resonant as a gong the monologue from Ruy Blas: "Good appetite, Messieurs!" while the guests thronged to the buffet, spread with chocolate and glasses of punch.

I reckon we won't be too early if we go now." "Dear me, do you have a gong to breathe by?" Blue Bonnet asked laughingly. "Seems to me one rings every five minutes." "Not quite; but that little electric hammer runs the school with Miss North behind it." Miss North's school was supposed to be non-sectarian, so far as religious government went; but in expression it was very much Episcopalian.

Joe ran across the ring to his own corner. "Now I'm going to get 'm," he said to his second. "You sure fixed 'm that time," the latter answered. "Nothin' to stop you now but a lucky punch. Watch out for it." Joe leaned forward, feet gathered under him for a spring, like a foot- racer waiting the start. He was waiting for the gong.

The two long tables occupying the centre of the room were already well filled with hungry men indiscriminately attired, not a few coatless and with rolled-up sleeves, as though they had hurried in from work at the first sound of the gong.

Signor Polani struck a gong. "Let a gondola be manned instantly," he said, "and let six of you take arms and go in search of our boat. Let another man at once summon a leech, for some of those on board are, I fear, grievously wounded, if not killed."

They had probably been lying a full hour in this dreamy silence, when the sound of a gong produced another transformation. The reposing figures sprang from their cushions, a troop of female slaves pressed into the hall, the beauties were annointed and perfumed, their luxuriant hair ingeniously braided, plaited, and adorned with precious stones.

Leonard, wonderingly, saw he had given pain, and with the good breeding which comes instinctively from good nature, replied, "I judge you by your heart, sir, and your likeness to my grandfather, otherwise I should never have presumed to fancy we could be relations." "Hum!" answered Richard. "You can just wash your hands, and then come down to dinner; you will hear the gong in ten ininutes.