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And how her sweet nater, like the sun, would love to light up one bright lovin' home, and shine kinder stiddy there, instead of glancin' and changin' about from one place to another, like a meteor. Some would have liked it; some like change and constant goin' about, and movin' constantly through space but I knew Jenette wuzn't made on the meteor plan.

Someone must do the family honors dinner, theatre, all that sort of thing. And if I were not tied up by an important committee meeting out at the country club I should be very glad to er " "Ye-e-es?" says I, glancin' at him suspicious. "You've guessed it, Torchy," says he. "I must leave them to you." "Whaddye mean, them?" says I. "I thought we was talking about Ambrose." "Oh, certainly," says Mr.

But I ain't above takin' help," continued the captain with a modest look, "from ordinary good books when I come across 'em my chief difficulty bein', to find out what are the best books to consult, and this has led me sometimes to think of buyin' up all the theological books I can lay hands on, an' glancin' 'em all through so as to make notes of such as seemed worth readin' with care.

"Why a car projected over the end of a switch," explained Mr. Post. "Our train came along full tilt, and the engine hit it a glancin' blow, or a side-swipe, as the railroad men call it." "Much damage?" asked an elderly gentleman. "Well, they can't use that freight car without sendin' it to the hospital," replied Mr. Post, with a smile.

"Goodman?" Ginsburg pondered. The name was a strange one. "Say, was it this Goodman that kicked me in the ribs while I was tryin' to pick up the captain?" "Kicked you nothin'! You got a machine-gun bullet glancin' on your short ribs and acrost your chest right under the skin that was what put you down and out.

"She means we're goin' to dress ourselves up in the things of them that's gone, a good many of 'em, an' we can't help takin' on the ways of folks that wore 'em. We can't anyways help glancin' back an' kinder formin' ourselves on old folks we've looked up to. Seems if the dead would walk." Sometimes people shuddered at Isabel's queer sayings, but at this every one felt moved in a solemn way.

But when I reached the street I begun to wonder to myself if I hadn't better just see what those fellers would do next no harm in ketchin' on to as many city ways as possible so I hid under the stoop till they come out, glancin' sharp this way and that, but missin' Ezekiel George Washington. "Up the street they skips; me after 'em, soon's I could, safe. Round the corner they goes. Me, too.

Then he outs wi' his watch, waits a couple o' minutes, an' slips out o' the house. "At five minutes to ten comes my ladyship, glidin' over the short turf o' the deer-park, an' glancin' over her shoulder at the light in his lordship's libery window.

And if Mr. Robert hadn't been actin' so much like a poor prune he'd have quit that line right there. But on he blunders. "You see," says he, "I've asked Torchy to explain for me." "Ye-e-es?" says she, bitin' her upper lip thoughtful and glancin' from one to the other of us. "Then then you needn't have bothered to come yourself, need you?" Say, that was something to lean against, wa'n't it?

"Precisely," says the major, moppin' a few pearly beads off his shiny dome. "And when a regular army captain makes up his mind that a thing can't be done well, it's hopeless, that's all. In this instance, however, I fear he's right, worse luck!" "Anyway," suggests Mr. Ellins, "he has made you think that the thing is impossible, eh?" "Think!" growls the major, glancin' suspicious at Old Hickory.