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For my part I stood amaz'd, and assur'd them, that neither Gito, a bashful lad, was able for the drudgery, nor the girl of years to receive it. "Ita," inquit Quartilla, "minor eat ista quam ego fui, quum primum virum passa sum? Iunonem meam iratam habeam, si umquam me meminerim virginem fuisse.

Nor had we sooner stuff'd our selves with the supper Gito had got for us, when a more than ordinary bounce at the door, put us into another fright; and when we, pale as death, ask'd who was there, 'twas answer'd, "Open the door and you'll see:" While we were yet talking, the bolt drop'd off, and the door flew open, on which, a woman with her head muffl'd came in upon us, but the same who a little before had stood by the country-man in the market: "And what," said she, "do you think to put a trick upon me?

I beseech you, sir, at least spare us that never pelted you: For if any of the inn shou'd find we have a poet in our company, the whole neighbourhood wou'd be rais'd, and we shou'd dye martyrs for a wrong opinion: If nothing else will make you pity us, think of the galery and bath you came from": when I had treated him after this rate, the good natur'd Gito, correcting me, said, I did very ill to rail at a man so much my elder; and that having offer'd a gentleman the curtsie of my table, I shou'd not so far forget good breeding, to affront him when he came: With many the like expressions, attended with a blush at their delivery, that extreamly became him.

Upon this, I order'd Gito to steal under the bed, and thrust his feet and hands through the cords that, as Ulysses formerly hid in a sheeps hide, so extended he might cheat the searchers.

Just as I had worked him to a belief, Gito, with restraining his breath, snees'd thrice so thoroughly, that he shook the bed; at which Eumolpus, turning about, saluted him with, "God bless you, sir;" and, taking the bedding aside, saw the little Ulysses, who might have raised compassion, even in a blood-thirsty Cyclops: then looking upon me, "Thou villain," says he, "how have you shamm'd me?

The petty officer was not so easie to me, for taking a stick out of the inn-keeper's hand, he felt under the bed with it, and run it into every hole he found in the wall: Gito drew his body out of the stick's way, and, breathing as gently as fear cou'd make him, held his mouth close to the cords.

And to compleat my misery, neither Tryphoena spoke to me as her acquaintance, and once grateful lover; nor did Gito think me worth drinking to; or what's the least he cou'd, common discourse with him: I believe he was tender of the new return of her favours, and afraid to give her another occasion to fall out with him: Grief forc'd a flood of tears from my eyes, and I stifl'd my complaints, till I was ready to expire.

By this I understood he was inform'd of my affairs; and that some one had been in pursuit of me; upon which I ask't my Gito whether any body was to enquire for me. "Not this day," said he, "but yesterday there came a very pretty woman, who, when she had tir'd me with a long sifting discourse; at last told me you deserv'd to be punisht, and shou'd as a slave, if you longer complain'd."

Matters thus order'd, having, as all that wou'd thrive in the world, implor'd the assistance of Heaven, we began our march, but both Gito did not like his new slavery, and Eumolpus's hir'd servant, bearing most of our baggage, in a little time beginning to be uneasie in his service, wou'd often rest his burden; and with ten thousand wry looks, and as many curses for our going so fast, at last swore he would either leave his charge, or go quite away with 't.

She was scarce out, when on a sudden one of the slaves came to me, and told me that our lord so highly resented my two days absence, that unless, as he advised me, I invented a good excuse to allay his heat, I shou'd certainly be punish'd. Gito perceiving how concern'd I was, spoke not a word of the woman, but advis'd me to behave myself merrily to Eumolpus, rather than serious.