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Updated: November 11, 2024
Then, fearing my companion would come off better than I, "Madame," I said, "I leave it to your sense of fairness: is Ascyltos to be the only one in this dining-room who keeps holiday?" "Fair enough," conceded Quartilla, "let Ascyltos have his k-night-cap too!"
With that Psyche came tittering to her, and having whispered I know not what in her ear, Thou art in the right, quoth Quartilla, 'twas well thought on; and since we have so fine an opportunity, why should not our Pannychis lose her maidenhead?
At what time Ascyltos was a little amaz'd, and I so chill'd that I had not power to utter a word: But the company gave me heart not to expect worse, for they were but three women, and if they had any design, must yet be too weak to effect it against us, who if we had nothing more of man about us, had yet that figure to befriend us: We were all girt up for the purpose, and I had so contriv'd the couples, that if it must come to a rancounter, I was to make my part good with Quartilla, Ascyltos with her woman, and Gito the girl.
Up spoke young Calvaster, his pasty face alight with a sort of malicious glee. "I passed Quartilla's travelling carriage at Varia last night. Quartilla was alive and well. I passed Brinnarius this morning at dawn, this side of Tibur. He was alive then and puffing." "How did you get here ahead of him?" Brinnaria interjected.
"Yes," Quartilla said, "everybody is surprised at Brinnaria's growth. I was scared, when she first began to grow so fast, and had special prayers offered and sacrifices made at the temples of Youth and Health. Also I had a Babylonian seer consult the stars concerning her birth-signs. Everybody said she was born to long life, good health and great luck. But I can't fancy what ever made her grow so.
Then, too, we were girded higher, and I had so arranged matters that if it came to a fight, I would engage Quartilla myself, Ascyltos the maid, and Giton the girl. "Pray; madame," I groaned, "if you have anything worse in store, bring it on quickly for we have not committed a crime so heinous as to merit death by torture."
We were silent as yet, and gave her the hearing, but inclin'd to neither part of what she had said, when in came Quartilla herself, attended with a young girl, and sitting down by me, fell a weeping: nor here also did we offer a word, but stood expecting what those tears at command meant.
Giton was standing between us and splitting his sides with laughter when Quartilla noticed him, and actuated by the liveliest curiosity, she asked whose boy he was, and upon my answering that he was my "brother," "Why has he not kissed me then?" she demanded.
For my part I stood amaz'd, and assur'd them, that neither Gito, a bashful lad, was able for the drudgery, nor the girl of years to receive it. "Ita," inquit Quartilla, "minor eat ista quam ego fui, quum primum virum passa sum? Iunonem meam iratam habeam, si umquam me meminerim virginem fuisse.
Once they came to a deadlock and then Brinnarius, his voice suddenly mild and soft, mentioned Rabulla's death and his notion of offering Brinnaria for her successor. At once Pulfennius became manageable and supple and all eagerness for the happiness of the young couple. When it seemed that they had reached an agreement on every point Quartilla had her say.
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