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I believe that it is important for this object to give them from the first gentlemanly habits which can never be eradicated. They all, I hope, love their homes for their domestic ties, but for no other reason do I wish them to prefer any place to their school.

Where are they gone, those candid inquirers, so full of gentlemanly curiosity, so informative and yet shrewdly human; so practical think of Urquhart's Turkish Baths though stuffed with whimsicality and abstractions? Where is the spirit that gave them birth? One grows attached to these "Nooks and By-ways." An honest book, richly thoughtful, and abounding in kindly twinkles.

Of the article superintendence, which is only 500l., I cannot abate a doit: on the rest of the bill, if you mean to offer ready, I mean, without any negotiation, to abate thirty per cent., and I hope that is a fair and gentlemanly offer." "Mr. Soho, there is your money!" "My Lord Colambre! I would give the contents of three such bills to be sure of such noblemanly conduct as yours.

Whichever way she looked, clocks stretched away from her in glittering interminable vistas: clocks of all sizes and voices, from the bell-throated giant of the hallway to the chirping dressing-table toy; tall clocks of mahogany and brass with cathedral chimes; clocks of bronze, glass, porcelain, of every possible size, voice and configuration; and between their serried ranks, along the polished floor of the aisles, moved the languid forms of other gentlemanly floor-walkers, waiting for their duties to begin.

Soon after breakfast Ivan Ivanitch and Yegorushka left the inn. "It's a nuisance," muttered his uncle. "You are sticking to me like a burr. You and your mother want education and gentlemanly breeding and I have nothing but worry with you both. . . ." When they crossed the yard, the waggons and the drivers were not there. They had all gone off to the quay early in the morning.

At dinner she laughed rather too loud, it might be, and was too much given to addressing her husband as 'Willis; but her undeniable prettiness in low-necked evening dress condoned what was amiss in manner. Mr. Rodman looked too gentlemanly; he reminded one of a hero of polite melodrama on the English-French stage.

Then he sank slowly backwards out of the man's sight; and when he reached the bottom of the stairs he stood still and thought. "He's an awful ruffian, with all his gentlemanly airs. No more gentleman mates for me." "What's up?" he muttered, running out barefooted. On passing through the cabin he glanced at the clock. It was the middle watch. "What on earth can the mate want me for?" he thought.

And they are ferry fine fellows, and gentlemanly in their ways, and they are ferry good-natured to strangers." "I have heard that of them on all hands," Lavender said, "and some day I hope to put their civility and good-fellowship to the proof."

Oh, you were very gentlemanly about it, sir, and you wouldn't have hurt my feelings for the world!" "Necia!" "That's your Dixie chivalry, I suppose. Well, I've played with you long enough, Lieutenant Burrell, I'm tired of the game, and you interest me no longer." "You you say you've been playing with me!" stammered the man.

In short, every facility of enjoyment would be afforded that the most gentlemanly person could possibly desire.