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What we actually perceive is one and the same substance possessing the generic characteristics of gold, first in the causal state and then in the effected state. You misstate the case, we reply; here also we do recognise in the effect that substance which is the primal cause, viz. earth. But in smoke, which is the effect of fire, we do not recognise fire! True! but this does not disprove our case.

The stoops, the doors opening on them, and the steps leading down to the dirty, sodden snow, had a generic look of cheapness and frailty. "Whatever the censorious critic might say of the front, he could not charge the rear with false pretences; for there was apparent, all over it, an utter indifference to the opinions of mankind.

"Only the fool." "The generic fool of Kipling, or Young Parmalee?" "I was thinking of Young Parmalee, then." "And the woman?" Schuyler quoted, slowly: "A fool there was " "Oh, but," Blake protested, "I wouldn't call him a fool." "Why not?" demanded Schuyler. "He was a fool." "Yes," returned Blake. "But he's dead, now." "Bosh," retorted Schuyler, impatiently.

Stewart certainly overstates the matter when he speaks of “a prejudice which has descended to modern times from the scholastic ages, that when a word admits of a variety of significations, these different significations must all be species of the same genus, and must consequently include some essential idea common to every individual to which the generic term can be applied;” for both Aristotle and his followers were well aware that there are such things as ambiguities of language, and delighted in distinguishing them.

They just lost themselves on the face of the earth, and were henceforth known to mankind by the generic name of "refugees" such of them as managed to get away alive.

For this reason the transition from the Fourth Kingdom into the Fifth cannot be forced upon the race either by a Divine fiat or by the generic action of cosmic law, for it is a specialising of the cosmic law which can only be effected by personal initiative and selection, just as iron can only be made to float under certain specialized conditions; and consequently the passage from the Fourth into the Fifth Kingdom is a strictly individual process which can only be brought about by a personal perception of what the normal standard of the New Individuality really is.

For this purpose it becomes necessary to have a Standard of the Personal Factor independent of any individual conceptions, just as we found that in order for us to attain self-consciousness at all it was a necessity that there should be a Universal Mind as the generic basis of all individual mentality; only in regard to the generic build of mind the conformity is necessarily automatic, while in regard to the specializing process the fact that the essence of that process is Selection and Initiative renders it impossible for the conformity to the Standard of Personality to be automatic the very nature of the thing makes it a matter of individual choice.

Here again it seems possible that we have a number of states that we are led to believe are simple because they are gathered together under the generic word "madness," but which may represent a considerable variety of induced and curable and non-inheritable states on the one hand and of innate and incurable and heritable mental disproportions on the other.

By Surprise; 10. By Suspense, and 11. By Imitative Movement. VICTOR HUGO: "Notre Dame de Paris." This is one of the great novels of the world; and it illustrates, at many moments, every technical device of emphasis that has been expounded in this chapter. Fiction a Generic Term Narrative in Verse and Narrative in Prose Three Moods of Fiction: I. The Epic Mood II. The Dramatic Mood: 1.

On this same principle we can understand how it is that specific characters are more variable than generic characters; and how the parts which are developed in an extraordinary degree or manner are more variable than other parts of the same species. Many analogous facts, all pointing in the same direction, could be added.