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The entry of Charles II into Whitehall was the sign for unlimited indulgence in all that had lately been forbidden. "Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop." The Puritans had pent up for so long the natural cravings for pleasure and gaiety, that, when the barriers were withdrawn, license and debauchery were necessary to satisfy appetites which a long-enforced abstinence had made abnormal.

Anyhow, as far as the contents of that bag, which Móczli handed into the carriage after her ladyship, will last. Hai-dia-do." Now it was really exuberance of spirits that made old Márton sing in Tyrolese manner, that refrain, "hai-hai-dia-hia-do." He actually danced on the dusty road a galop. Was it possible?

And she had been dancing incessantly, as we danced in those days galop, deux temps, redowa, waltz, the long, undulating, luxurious, sensuous sweep of the "glide," and men and women stood and watched them, time and again, when Willett claimed her and he hardly had look or word for others so wondrous was that harmony of motion, that grace and beauty of feature and of form.

Les chevaux de ce pays n'ont que le pas et le galop. Quand on en achète, on choisit ceux qui ont le plus grand pas: comme en Europe on prend de préférence ceux qui trottent le mieux. Ils ont les narines très-fendues courent très bien, sont excellens, et d'ailleurs coûtent très-peu, puisqu'ils ne mangent que la nuit, et qu'on ne leur donne qu'un peu d'orge avec de la paille picquade (hachée). Jamais ile ne boivent que l'après-midi, et toujours, même

He was vaguely conscious that he was getting wet up to the knees in the long grass; but on the other hand, he was not in the least aware that the Sheriff's old uniform cap, which he had had the luck to snatch up in his haste, was waggling about upon his head, until at last it came to rest when the long peak slipped down over his ear. "A quadrille and a galop; but no more so so! so so!

They were in the midst of a tremendous galop when we arrived; so we stood at the door and looked on, and Dalrymple flirted with Mademoiselle Annette. As soon as the galop was over, two of our hosts came forward to welcome us. "The Duke of Dalrymple and the Marquis of Arbuthnot Messieurs Jules Charpentier and Gustave Dubois," said Müller, with the most dégagé air in the world.

The polka redowa and the polka mazourka are modifications of this step to different times. The galop is another fashionable dance this winter. It is very easy, and is danced to very quick music; it is inspiriting at the end of a ball. The minuet de la cour was first danced in the ancient province of Poitou, France.

"Don't talk of her, Isabel, I can't bear it," and Charley brushed away a tear. Dance succeeded dance, and Isabel was still Charley's partner. "There are half-a-dozen gentlemen dying to be introduced to Miss Leicester, and you give them no chance, Mr. Elliott," said Emily. "Very well, but remember, Isabel, that we are engaged for the after-supper galop." "I'll not forget," she returned.

The snatcher, here below, is ubiquitous and eternal as ubiquitous, as eternal, as the force of gravitation. He is likewise protean. Banish him he takes half a minute to change his visible form, and returns au galop.

"In addition to 'Poulter's Patent Floor Wax, he's invented the 'Clacton Schottische, the 'Ramsgate Galop, and the 'Coronation Quadrilles." "He must be clever." "Of course; he's on the grand council of the 'B.A.T.D." "What is that?" "What? You don't know what 'B.A.T.D. is?" cried Miss Nippett in astonishment. "I'm afraid I don't," replied Mavis.