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Mind, I figger to know you a heap." His eyes suddenly turned on the man he was addressing, but returned almost at once to their earnest contemplation of the black vista of grass-land. "You'd argyfy the point reas'nable, an' leave the gal to settle for you. But wi' Jake it's diff'rent."

And them weeks that follered at the doctor's house, too, they seem like a love-lie dream the delicate victuals that fairly melted down my throat before these here fine store teeth could clutch 'em, the kindness of him and his woman, and of his little gal, that teached me my a-b-c's.

But I reckon I would 'a' done it, them days. Sometimes I set back and say 'Arizona' just to myself. I'm a-lovin' that name. Accordin' to law, I'm livin' single, and if I ain't married to Arizona, she's my best gal, speakin' general. 'Course, a little lady give me a watch onct.

"I am looking for-for-her," he said, his eyes gazing on vacancy. "Any one I can find for you?" inquired Dawn, touched by his gentle, childlike manner. "Find her? Can you find Margaret? Why, she went away when she was a little gal; no, she has grown up-like you. But I guess she's lost; yes lost. O, my little Margy, your own mammy, and your other mammy is dead, and I am all alone.

It may as well be remarked, in passing, that Poopy had acquired a considerable amount of her knowledge of English from Master Corrie. Her remark, although not politely made, was sufficiently striking to cause Bumpus to start up, and exclaim "That's true, gal; come shew us the way to this here cave."

"Ez I was saying to the Don yer, when two high-toned gents like you and him come together in a delicate matter of this kind, it ain't no hoss trade nor sharp practice. The Don is that lofty in principle that he's willin' to sacrifice his affections for the good of the gal; and you, on your hand, kalkilate to see all he's done for her, and go your whole pile better.

"I don't see why folks want to make so many pictures of men and women walkin' in and out of my cottage and sayin' such outlandish things like: 'Gal, you shall give me them papers! or, 'Meet me on yonder cliff at midnight! I give up!" "It does seem out of reason, Pete," agreed another. "But as long as they pay me for it, and don't go to bustin' up things, I'm willin'."

"You're jest a dandy gal as 'ud make any feller with a good patch o' pay dirt a real elegant sort o' wife." The golden head snuggled closer into his shirt. "You ain't got no patch o' pay dirt, Toby?" she inquired. Toby shook his head all unsuspiciously. "No sech luck," he asserted.

But being in company with the brother of a doosed fine gal well educated too with no biggodd nonsense about her at the period alluded to 'There! Never mind the sister, remarked Mrs Merdle, a little impatiently. 'What did the brother say? 'Didn't say a word, ma'am, answered Mr Sparkler. 'As silent a feller as myself. Equally hard up for a remark.

Well, as I was sayin', I come to the ranche o' a feller called Bangi, or Bongi, or Bungi, or some sort o' bang, with a gi at the end o' 't. He was clappin' his little gal on the head, when I comed up, and said good-bye to her.