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In proof of this swings into drawing-room with a mannish stride followed by two short steps, which produces the effect of a restive horse entering. Misses CAPTAIN GADSBY, who is sitting in the shadow of the window-curtain, and gazes round helplessly. 'Must ha' picked up that action from the sire. Mamma told me to say that she will be ready in a few minutes. Won't you have some tea?

MRS. G. You'll find them in the front veranda; go through the house. I'm Martha just now. CAPT. M. 'Cumbered about with cares of khitmatgars? I fly. Passes into front veranda, where GADSBY is watching GADSBY JUNIOR, aged ten months, crawling about the matting. CAPT. M. What's the trouble, Gaddy spoiling an honest man's Europe morning this way? Any amount of bone below the knee there.

"But you should -er -that is -my dear Cantwell, you should make the punishments merely fit the crimes." "In such an outrageous case as to-day's," fumed the principal, "what course would have been taken by the Dr. Thornton whom you are so fond of holding up to me as a man who knew how to handle boys?" "Dr. Thornton," responded Mr. Gadsby, "would have been ingenious in his punishment.

Punkah-coolies asleep in veranda where CAPTAIN GADSBY is walking up and down. DOCTOR'S trap in porch. JUNIOR CHAPLAIN drifting generally and uneasily through the house. Time, 3.40 A. M. Heat 94 degrees in veranda. Oh, yes, of course. What did you say? She wants to speak to you. JUNIOR CHAPLAIN. Let me do my work. Gadsby, stop a minute! DOCTOR. Wait till she sends for you at least at least.

I remember when Threegan married Miss Derwent daughter of old Hooky Derwent but that was before your time. And so the little baby's engaged to have a little baby of her own! Who's the other fool? MACKESY. Gadsby of the Pink Hussars. JERVOISE. 'Never met him. Threegan lived in debt, married in debt, and'll die in debt. 'Must be glad to get the girl off his hands.

There was considerable difference of opinion as to that said "right man;" one portion of "the church" wanting a smart, well-starched, polished individual, and the other desiring a plain, straightforward "gospel preacher" a man of the Gadsby kidney, capable of hitting people hard, and telling the truth without any fear.

Stelling to be an excellent classic, for Gadsby had said so, and Gadsby's first cousin was an Oxford tutor; which was better ground for the belief even than his own immediate observation would have been, for though Mr.

G. I meant to lie about my reasons when I began, but I've got out of the habit of lying to you, old man. Jack, you won't? But I know you won't. M. Of course not. G. Eh! Wha-at? M. Don't you know? The men have called Mrs. Gadsby the Pride of the Pink Hussars ever since she came to us. G. 'Tisn't her fault. Don't think that. It's all mine. M. What does she say?

"The schools an' roads are good enough fer me. Progress means more money, an' more money means bigger taxes. The children of Glendow are well supplied, an' as fer the roads they're good enough. As fer an agricultural society well," and here he cast a significant look at Gadsby, "them who talk sich things had better look at their own farms.

And if in the land of peace wherein thou trustedst they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan? SCENE. The GADSEYS' bungalow in the Plains, on a January morning. MRS. G. arguing with bearer in back veranda. CAPT. M. rides up. CAPT. M. 'Mornin', Mrs. Gadsby. How's the Infant Phenomenon and the Proud Proprietor?