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Excepting always your own sweet self, there isn't a single woman in the land who understands me when I am what's the word? 'Tete-fele suggested Mrs. Mallowe. 'Exactly! And now let us have tiffin. The demands of Society are exhausting, and as Mrs. Delville says, Here Mrs. Hauksbee, to the horror of the khitmatgars, lapsed into a series of grunts, while Mrs. Mallowe stared in lazy surprise.

MRS. G. You'll find them in the front veranda; go through the house. I'm Martha just now. CAPT. M. 'Cumbered about with cares of khitmatgars? I fly. Passes into front veranda, where GADSBY is watching GADSBY JUNIOR, aged ten months, crawling about the matting. CAPT. M. What's the trouble, Gaddy spoiling an honest man's Europe morning this way? Any amount of bone below the knee there.

I never remember to have been so much struck by the personal appearance of any man in my life. He sat down opposite me, and immediately one of his two servants, or khitmatgars, as they are called, retired, and came back bearing a priceless goblet and flask of the purest old Venetian mould. Filling the former, he ceremoniously presented his master with a brimming beaker of cold water.

Plate, wines, crockery, and khitmatgars carefully calculated to scale of Rs. 6000 per mensem, less Exchange. 'Didn't see you in the crush in the drawing-room. You've no notion how your voice carries. It'll have to be a verbal one now. Sweet prospect! How on earth am I to tell her that I am a respectable, engaged member of society and it's all over between us?