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"Mrs Moss has not come, I see," he said, as the groom reined up. "Oo, ay, sir, she's come. But she iss a queer leddy. She's been chumpin' in an' oot o' the waginette a' the way up, like a whutret, to admire the scenery, as she says. When we cam' to the heed o' the pass she chumped oot again, an' telt me to drive on slow, an wait at the futt o' the first hull for her. She's no far ahint."

Biggest two one futt six in dameter; oder two leetle ones, one futt. Now, you looks here, ladies an' gen'lemen. See, I's made a bag ob dis muzzlin 'bout two futt six long an' 'bout two futt wide. Well, one end ob de bag is close up as you see. 'Tother end am open as you b'hold. Vwalla! as de Frenchman says. Now, I puts into de closed end one small hoop so.

Howiver, we took him up, an' invited Glutton to a feast next day. He was a great thin savage, over six futt high, with plenty breadth of beam about the shoulders, and a mouth that seemed made a' purpus for shovellin' wittles into. We laid in lots of grub because we was all more or less given to feedin' an' some of us not bad hands at it.

"Shure it's a mile wide if it's a futt," said one of the men as they stood in a group on the reef, dripping and gazing at the isle. "No, Simon O'Rook," said Bob Corkey, in that flat contradictions way to which some men are prone; "no, it's only half a mile if it's an inch." "You're wrong, both of you," said Baldwin Burr, "it ain't more than quarter of a mile. Quite an easy swim for any of us."

Six futt one in 'is socks, an' as strong as a 'orse, but by ill luck one night, a sailor-chap that was bigger than 'im come in to the 'all, an' they 'ad a row, an' my man got sitch a lickin' that he 'ad to go to hospital, an' 'e's been there for a week, an' won't be out, they say, for a month or more. Now, Ned, will you take the job? The pay's good an' the fun's considerable.

I know it well, for I've had to track him more than once an' would spot it among a thousand." "If Jake is in the neighbourhood, wouldn't it be well to return to the cave? He and some of his gang might attack it in our absence." "No fear o' that," replied the scout, rising from his inspection, "the futt p'ints away from the cave.

They was too many for us; most of my shipmates was killed, and I was knocked flat on the deck from behind with a hand-spike. On recoverin', I found myself in the ship's hold, bound hand and futt, among a lot of unfortunits like myself, most of 'em bein' Chinese and Malays. The reptiles untied my hands and set me to an oar.

"Faix, I'd be sorprised if he was," returned the woman; "for I left him in owld Ireland, in the only landed property he iver held in this world six futt by two, an' five deep. He's been in possession six years now, an' it wouldn't be aisy to drive him out o' that, anyhow. No, it's my son Terence I've come to look afther. Och! there he is! Look, look, that's him close by the funnel!

"`I'm goin' to leave you here to watch, says he, `an' I'll go round by the futt o' the gully an' drive the deer up. They'll pass quite close, so you've only to "Hunky stopped short as he was speakin' and flopped down as if he'd bin shot-haulin' me along wi' him. "`Keep quiet, says he, in a low voice. `We're in luck, an' don't need to drive.

"Little Bill," said he, in a tone that was not for an instant to be disregarded, "shove me down to the futt of the garden you rascal!" With a promptitude little short of miraculous the Highlander was wheeled away, and thus the momentous meeting was abruptly brought to a close.