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He scarcely spoke to him, and bowed to him stiffly. Seeing Alyosha enter now, he frowned and looked away, as though he were entirely absorbed in buttoning his big, warm, fur-trimmed overcoat. Then he began looking at once for his umbrella. “I must mind not to forget my belongings,” he muttered, simply to say something.

By-the-bye, on looking at Toby again I think we might do something better for him than give him a mere part in a pantomime; his fine moustache and his shiny hair almost point to a qualification for managership. Nothing more is wanted except, perhaps, a fur-trimmed coat and a well-oiled hat to make a very fine manager indeed, of a certain sort.

Tried your house on the 'phone and your secretary told me he thought you'd gone to a bookshop called the Moonlight " Caroline turned to him irritably. "Do I employ you for your reminiscences?" she snapped. "Are you my tutor or my broker?" "Your broker," confessed the fur-trimmed man, taken somewhat aback. "I beg your pardon. I came about that phonograph stock. I can sell for a hundred and five."

Keeko, in her mannish clothes of buckskin, her beaded, fur-trimmed tunic which revealed the shapeliness of her youthful body. The vision of it all carried his mind back so many years. "Keeko for Marcel. Marcel for Keeko. Yes?" Steve drew a deep breath. "Yes. Thank God." He moved away. There was no ceremony between these two.

Several guests from the city entered at the same time through another door, among whom, robed in handsome festal garments, were Eva's new Swabian acquaintances. How gladly she would have hastened to them! But a grey-haired stately man of portly figure, whose fur-trimmed cloak hung to his ankles Sir Arnold Maier of Silenen, led them to a part of the hall very distant from where she was standing.

All, he had carried them, talked with them, learned their secrets, and more often their hopes. But such a man as this he had never carried. A man who indeed wore outlandish fur-trimmed clothes, and had seen, if his servant's sparse words went for aught, outlandish service; but who neither swore, nor drank above measure, nor swaggered, nor threatened. Who would not dice, nor game save for trifles.

Strange figure indeed, yet soldierly to the last degree, despite the oddity of the entire make-up. The fur-trimmed cap of embroidered buckskin sat jauntily on black and glossy curls that hung about the brawny neck and shoulders.

The road, turning inland, climbed steadily, the air growing lighter and fresher as the elevation increased a nip in it testifying that January was barely yet out. And that nip justified the wearing of certain afore-mentioned myrtle-green, fur-trimmed pelisse, upon which Damaris' minor affections were, at this period, much set.

Here he is now;" as another low knock sounded on the door, and the fourth man entered, shaking the snow from his fur-trimmed coat. "Pile out of your duds, boys, and have a drink. Good liquor hits the spot a night like this." Whitley grasped the proffered glass eagerly and emptied it without a word, but Frank refused.

The fur-trimmed surcoats and the long hose were in fabrics suggestive of lost weaving arts. Each dagger, buckle, hat-gem, and finger-ring, was a true antique. Even when the two ladies appeared, in sumptuous Renaissance dresses, their coiffures as closely in accordance with that period as their expanded silhouettes, no smile crossed any face. "Are we all " began Antonio. His voice failed him.