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Updated: August 6, 2024

"An' sure enough it looked good f'r awhile, an' th' time come whin th' occas'nal dollar bill that wint acrost this bar on pay night wasn't good money onless it had th' name iv th' naygur on it. In thim days they was a young la-ad a frind iv wan iv th' Donohue boys that wint to th' public school up beyant, an' he was as bright a la-ad as ye'd want to see in a day's walk.

"Afther a while Doolan woke up, an' says he, 'Where's me frind? 'Gone, says I. 'His wife came in, an' hooked him off. 'Well, says Doolan, ''tis on'y another victhry iv the rulin' classes, he says." "Aho," said Mr. Dooley, drawing a long, deep breath. "Ah-ho, glory be to th' saints!" He was sitting out in front of his liquor shop with Mr. McKenna, their chairs tilted against the door-posts.

A little iv it lifts ye out iv th' mud where chance has thrown ye; a little more makes ye think th' stains on ye'er coat ar-re eppylets; a little more dhrops ye back into th' mud again. It's a frind to thim that ar-re cold to it an' an inimy to those that love it most. It welcomes thim in an' thrips thim as they go out. I tell ye 'tis a threacherous dhrug an' it oughtn't to be given to ivry man.

"There's a bootiful current here," said he, "and we can have the illegant pleasure of moving along without working ourselves, as me frind, Michael McGubbens, said when they carried him off to Botany Bay." The Irishman first dipped his paddle upon the one side and then upon the other, and imparted quite a velocity to the canoe.

We goes out, me an' me frind. Him's name Ravelo." Again Ravelo shook hands with Mark, despite the rattling chain, nodded pleasantly to him, after the English fashion, and took his departure with his tall friend.

In less than two minutes' time their craft was put about and went flying before the wind, under a full stretch of canvas. The boat impelled by eight stout oarsmen pressed hard in their wake. "Heave to! heave to!" cried an officer in the pursuing boat. "Heave to, or we will fire on you!" "Niver mind him, me frind," said Terrence to the man at the rudder. "I'll tell ye when to lay low."

'Oh, no, they won't; you take ut aisy, me frind, an' go home! 'Take it aisy, is ut, an' go home! sez I; 'why, that's just where they've been last, a-ruinationin' an' a-turnin' av the place upside down, an' me strook on the head onsensible a mile away.

'What's this man charged with? says th' coort. 'He was found in possession iv tin millyon dollars, says th' polisman. An' th' judge puts on th' black cap." "Well," said Mr. Hennessy, "'tis time they got what was comin' to thim." "I'll not say ye're wrong," said Mr. Dooley. "I see th' way me frind Jawn D. feels about it.

'Hum, he says, holdin' ye'er wrist an' bowin' through th' window to a frind iv his on a sthreet car. 'Does that hurt? he says, stabbin' ye with his thumbs in th' suburbs iv th' pain. 'Ye know it does, says ye with a groan. 'Don't do that again. Ye scratched me. He hurls ye'er wrist back at ye an' stands at th' window lookin' out at th' firemen acrost th' sthreet playin' dominoes.

But, he says, 'tell me whin ye thought iv throwin' up th' job, an' lavin' me br-reak into this hateful prison, he says. 'About th' year two thousan' an' eight, dear frind, says Mack. 'No, no, says Tom Reed. 'I cannot accept it, he says, pressin' Mack's hand. ''Tis too much, he says, 'an' too long, he says. "'I lave ye, he says, 'but I'll call on ye, he says.

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