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Danglar had made no pretensions to self-righteousness he was too cute for that. He admitted that he had no "specific occupation," that he hung around the gambling hells a good deal, that he followed the horses that, frankly, he lived by his wits. He had probably given some framed-up address to the police, but, if so, the papers had not stated where it was.

Rogers took the goods after the cutter finished his job, and he and his helpers stamped the patterns on sleeves, front and back, skirt, by rubbing chalk over the paper. Upon the scene at this psychological moment enters the bright girl to make herself useful. The bright girlframed-upthe goods for the beaders to work on.

On November 11, 1937, it is just fifty years since Albert R. Parsons, August Spies, Adolph Fischer, George Engel and Louis Lingg, leaders of the great eight-hour day national strike of 1886, were executed in Chicago on the framed-up charge of having organized the Haymarket bomb explosion that caused the death of a number of policemen.

It was evident, said Grady, that the authorities had deliberately framed-up the dynamite conspiracy, in order to have an excuse for wiping out the I. W. W. organization; they had closed the hall, and confiscated everything, typewriters and office furniture and books including a book on Sabotage which they had turned over to the editor of the "Evening Times"! There was a hiss of anger at this.

"And we forfeit our bail and forget all about it?" "Sure." "If any more of these framed-up raids are made, will you know about it?" John asked. "Sure, dey always fix it for us regular guys." "Well, Murphy," said John, halting at a corner, "I'm going to ask you to do something for me. If you find out that anything like this is going to happen again, will you let me know about it?"

That's all the time they needed to examine the mountain of evidence presented in those months. It is true that most of it was perjured, framed-up evidence prepared by the prosecution, wild-eyed stories of the men leaping from the wagon which was really a barricade, flaming pistols aimed at the police, etc.

"One of two things: divorce or disappearance." "You mean a framed-up divorce? The usual arranged affair?" "No, I don't. I mean a divorce with that Verney woman as co-respondent." "I'll not have you insult her by calling her 'that Verney woman!" "Miss Verney, then.... It's either divorce or total disappearance."

He clicked heels, bowed from the waist, inquired of Joe's well being. Joe wasn't feeling up to military amenities after his framed-up near demise of the day before. He growled, "I'd think you'd be wishing I occupied Captain Rákóczi's place, rather than offering me sympathy." The Hungarian's eyebrows went up, and uninvited he took the chair next to the bed. "But why?" "You were the man's second."

"But consider Hatch's story along with the framed-up Spring street raid and the information we have of how Cummings opened and closed the town to convince the people that Gibson is the only man who can stop crime," John argued. "We must look at it from the reader's viewpoint," said Brennan. "It's the reader whom we have to convince. He wants facts, plain, hard facts.

He need never have a fight. At two hundred kilometres an hour, it won't take him very long to get out of danger. He stays out his two hours and comes in with some framed-up tale to account for his disappearance: 'Got lost. Went off by himself into Germany. Had motor trouble; gun jammed, and went back to arm it. He may even spray a few bullets toward Germany and call it a combat.