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And, because I have no one to protect me, am I outside the law, and condemned in advance to suffer the iniquitous fancies of every scoundrel? No, thank Heaven! Henceforth I shall feel easy. People like the Fortins, who live off I know not what shameful traffic, have too much to fear from the police to dare to molest me further."

'Spec it don't consarn nobody here; only, as Miss Clorindy's a lady of property, she naterally feels interested in what happens to oder folks wid fortins." Clo bridled, and Dolf said majestically, feeling that he had already a share in her wealth: "In course, in course; perceed, Mr. Othello."

"Right, Paddy," said Tom Brixton, with a harsh laugh; "we've done nothing absolutely nothing. See, there is my day's work." He pulled three small grains of gold, each about the size of a pea, from his trousers pocket, and flung them contemptuously into a washing-pan at his elbow. "Sure, we won't make our fortins fast at that rate," said Paddy, or Patrick Flinders.

The Germans captured there made a total of more than 5,000 prisoners taken by the French. Notre Dame de Lorette with its chapel and fort was also taken this same day, as was Ablain which was in flames when it was surrendered. Thus all of the highland to the west of Souchez was held by the French except a few fortins on eastern ridges.

After violent artillery-fire preparations, the French center south of Carency was pushed forward a distance of three miles. In a few days they took the towns of Albain, Carency, Neuville St. Vaast, and most of Souchez, besides the whole plateau of Lorette. But the Germans had prepared a number of fortins, which had to be captured before any general advance could be made.

He was trying to think of every thing to leave as little as possible to chance; like a man who has seen the best combined plans fail for want of a trifling precaution. Once in the yard, he opened the door of the lodge where the honorable Fortins, man and wife, were deliberating, and exchanging their conjectures, instead of going to bed.

They were in the relative number of two, four, two and four for the major forts, and two, two, one and three for the minor fortins, as such were termed. The grand total was estimated at 400 pieces. In their confined underground quarters the garrisons, even of the major forts, did not exceed eighty men from the engineer, artillery and infantry branches of the service.

"Money," he said, at last, resuming his wonted calm and lowering himself carefully to the box again "money always gets left to the wrong people; some of the kindest-'arted men I've ever known 'ave never had a ha'penny left 'em, while teetotaler arter teetotaler wot I've heard of 'ave come in for fortins." It's 'ard lines though, sometimes, waiting for other people's money.

Now, do you t'ink in cander, Jack, dat two colour' gentle'em, like us, can t'row away our fortins like two sons of a York merchant dat has inherited a hundred t'ousand dollar tudder day?" "There is no occasion for running at all, or for losing your wages." "How you get'e mate off, den? Can he walk away on de water? If so, let him go widout us.

Lucienne appeared, a footman opened respectfully the carriage-door. She went in; and the horses started at a full trot. Maxence watched the carriage disappear in the distance, like a child who sees the bird fly upon which he hoped to lay hands. "Gone," he muttered, "gone!" But, when he turned around, he found himself face to face with the Fortins, man and wife; who were laughing a sinister laugh.