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"I trust your appearance forebodes the accomplishment of my task." "Perhaps it does," replied the pilot; "we both are weary." Philip made no reply; he did not even ask Schriften in what manner he had escaped from the fort; he was indifferent about it; for he felt that the man had a charmed life.

A certain want of thought pervades all these efforts otherwise so deserving of honour, and the purely defensive attitude of the defenders forebodes little good for the sequel.

You tell me in your letter that you are extremely alarmed by a dream; apprehending that it forebodes some ill success to you in the case you have undertaken to defend; and, therefore, desire that I would get it adjourned for a few days, or, at least, to the next. This will be no easy matter, but I will try: . . . . . "For dreams descend from Jove."

Pedro and I were sitting round a fire in the hut with our Indian hosts, before retiring to rest, when a loud moaning noise was heard in the distance. The Indians regarded each other with terrified looks. "What can cause that noise?" I inquired of Pedro. He shook his head, and turned to one of the Indians. "It forebodes evil to the herdsmen," answered the man.

Yes, a thousand times, yes, it is true that nature and society are at one in making war on absolute happiness, because such a condition is opposed to the laws of both; possibly, also, because Heaven is jealous of its privileges. My love for you forebodes some disaster to which all my penetration can give no definite form.

Lo, it hath escaped unstruck. All this portends a heavy calamity. The bristles also of ye all are on their ends. Surely, this forebodes a great destruction of Kshatriyas in battle. Things endued with light are all pale; beasts and birds look fierce; and there are to be witnessed many terrific portents indicative of the destruction of Kshatriyas.

Philip turned away with a chill at his heart; Amine's eye flashed as she surveyed the wasted form of the wretched creature. After a few seconds she turned round and followed Philip into the cabin, where she found him with his face buried in his hands. "Courage, Philip, courage!" said Amine; "it was indeed a heavy shock, and I fear me, forebodes evil; but what then? it is our destiny."

Hal pressed close to Chester. "Rather creepy out here," he said. "Right," returned Chester in a whisper. "I've the same feeling myself. It forebodes, trouble, this silence, to my way of thinking. The Huns are probably hatching up some devilment." "Well, we may be able to get the drift of it, with that thing you have under your arm," was the other's reply.

Never from a feathered songster had I heard notes more sweet or harmonious. "It is the organista," said our guide. "Hurry on, Senores, hurry on, his note forebodes a coming storm; and, from the glimpses I have caught of the sky between the trees, I fear that we shall have one before we reach the village."

"The dream, my lord is not hard to interpret, but it forebodes nothing good." "Interpret it." "Very well; the red earth is Syria, as thou knowest, my lord, where live the wretched Hittites, that is the hereditary land of the Hebrew, Canaan. The black earth is that of the Nile, thy land, my lord." "Again the Hebrews, always the Hebrews!