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After that, the Portuguese captain called out in shrill English, "I say you! English fools! Open the gate! Surrender!" It was only this. "Boys of the black flag, this is to be quickly done. Take all the prisoners you can. If they don't yield, kill the children to make them. Forward!" Then, they all came on at the gate, and in another half-minute were smashing and splitting it in.

To some He allots heart and the beating pulse of humanity is theirs. But to some He gives only a soul, without intelligence and these, who never grow up, but remain always His children, are God's fools, kindly, elemental, simple, as if from His palette the Artist of all had taken one colour instead of many. The Dummy was God's fool.

"And I? I expected something else of Him. And I made a mistake, greater than all the mistakes of all the fools put together. And now I am thrust out of the fellowship of righteous men, and thrust out of the fellowship of sinners. There is pardon for the murderer, but not for the traitor. He Himself said: Better that such a man had never been born.

The moon had slipped behind the wood. She had risen, and, leaning against the porch, was standing with her hands clasped. I fancy she had forgotten me. She seemed to be talking to the night. "It's only a trick of Nature to make fools of us," she said. "He will tell me I am all the world to him; that his love will outlive the stars will believe it himself at the time, poor fellow!

When I think what his work has done, that you were disgraced at school, and sent wandering for three years not that that has done you any harm, rather the contrary to think that Alice has been wretched, and I have been on thorns and out of temper with myself and every one else for the same time, that for the last year we have been wandering about Europe like three sentimental travellers, wasting our lives, spending our money, and making fools of ourselves, I tell you, sir, if I was sitting as president of a court-martial on him, I would give him five hundred lashes, and then order him to be drummed out of the regiment."

"Of course it makes a difference, as you didn't buy it yourself. I don't see how folks can be such fools as to throw away hundreds of dollars for such a trifle." "Well, aunt, everybody isn't as sensible and practical as you. Now I agree with you; I think it's very foolish. Still I'm glad I've got the ring, because I can turn it into money when I need to.

If there was any reason why at Rome the Quirinal holiday of old was called the Feast of Fools, I know not why we may not for the like cause institute in France the Tribouletic Festivals, to be celebrated and solemnized over all the land. Panurge. If all fools carried cruppers. Pantagruel.

Back in the States young women did not offer to play the Good Samaritan to strange young fools whom Jawn D. Barleycorn had sent to the mat for the count of nine: unless the young fool's daddy had a bundle of coin. Maybe the girl was telling the truth, and then again, maybe she wasn't. The situation bothered him considerably.

"Grasshoppers or locusts, why did you put them into my bed? When I asked you to?" "Nobody put them in." "If not, how could they get into the bed?" "Locusts are fond of warm places and probably they got in there respectfully by themselves." "You fools! Grasshoppers getting into bed respectfully! I should smile at them getting in there respectfully! Now, what's the reason for doing this mischief?

'Tis all along o' goodness gone stale from too much salt," says Jack. I told him of little Rebecca, and asked what he made of it. He said he made of it that fools didn't love in the right place which was not to the point, whatever Jack thought of Rebecca. Linking his arm through mine, he headed me about. "Captain Gillam, Ben's father, sails for England at sunrise," vouched Jack.