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"Yes, ma'm," replied the old negro; and then he caught his breath and checked himself in confusion. "Da-da-dat is, er I spec' so er I dun'no', ma'm," he stammered. "Fo' de Lor' I's " Phyllis interrupted him with an impatient laugh, but said no more. In due time Barnaby sang her some other ditties, and then she went into the house.

"Tank-e, massa, tank-e; he gone wid ole Simon long time." "But you haven't answered my question; I asked you if you were a slave." "Ah! massa, ye don'e know him how he is, ah ha! ha! I done gone now. Massa Pringle own 'im once, but 'im so old now, nobody say I own 'im, an' ole Simon a'n't no massa what say I his fo' bacon. I don't woff nofin' nohow now, 'cos I ole.

It was all white, an' had fo' little short legs an' two little short wings, an' it was moah'n flesh an' blood could stand, he say, to see that long, slim, white thing runnin' an' a-flyin' at the same time through the bushes, low down neah the groun'. You jus' go ask him." John Jay swung his buckets irresolutely. "I don't believe I'll go down there aftah berries," he said. "I don't know what to do.

Ailsa stood with one hand resting on the mantel, a trifle pale but also silent, her startled eyes following this new incarnation wearing the familiar shape of Celia Craig. "Ailsa!" "Yes, dear." "Can you think evil of a people who po' out their hearts in prayer and praise? Do traitors importune fo' blessings?"

Well, he sot up a bank, en say anybody dat put in a dollar would git fo' dollars mo' at de en' er de year. Well, all de niggers went in, but dey didn't have much. I wuz de on'y one dat had much. So I stuck out for mo' dan fo' dollars, en I said 'f I didn' git it I'd start a bank mysef.

I'm for March, every time." The colonel seized his hand, and Miss Woodburn said, "If there had been any choice fo' you in such a case, I should never have let papa stir a step with you." "Why, in regard to that," said the colonel, with a literal application of the idea, "was it your intention that we should both go?" "Well, I don't know; I suppose it was."

'You is good to come, Tom Wallis, she said, in her childish voice, 'an' so is you, Lita. Wher' is my fath'? I don' see him. I was ask him to bring Ioane here to pray fo' me. I can't pray myself.... I have been try.... Wher' is you, fath'? Ransom crept round to her side, and laid his face upon her open hand. 'Ah, fath', you is come... poor fath'. I say, fath', don you drink no more.

"Fo' de Lawd, I didn't mean nuttin', Marster!" screamed the boy, livid with terror. "I didn't know de lady was dar fo' de Lawd Jesus, I didn't! My foot jes slipped on de plank w'en I wuz crossin', en I knocked up agin her."

As I say, things ran along this way quite a while, and then one morning when I went to my store my clerk says, 'There's an old white-headed nigger been waiting round here fo' a word with you, Mr.

Post number six, twelve o'clock, and a-l-l's w-e-l-l!" When, perhaps, some wakeful wag of a Yankee prisoner would answer: "Post number fo, twelve o'clock, and the Confederacy has gone to h l," in the same sing-song way the reb guard had just given it.