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I remember hearing from the late Mr. John Bonner, a most admirable artist in many fields, an amusing account of an interview with Lord Kitchener which illustrates the Field-Marshal's passion for his Kentish home, and also sheds a telling light on the æsthetic side of his character. Mr. Bonner had been recommended to Lord Kitchener, who wanted amorini scattered about the leafy gardens at Broome.

"Life, probably." The chevalier tossed his head contemptuously. "And if I win?" added he. "What do you say to the rank of colonel of horse, the title of Grandee of Spain, and the order of the Saint Esprit, without counting the field-marshal's baton in prospective?" "I say that the prize is worth the stake, and that if you can prove to me that you can keep your promise, I am your man."

There we always have a major-general to lace up our boots, and a field-marshal's always hovering round to light our cigarettes." Peddle, who had never known him to jest, or his father before him, went out in a muddled frame of mind, leaving Doggie to struggle into his dress trousers as best he might. When Doggie, in dinner suit, went downstairs, he found Peggy alone in the drawing-room.

I presume that his ambition was at least a viscounty, if not an earldom, and a field-marshal's baton. On leaving the gentleman whose "tact and geniality" are commemorated in the "Dictionary of National Biography," we repaired my father and I to the cafe where most of the English newspaper men met.

Next followed the dead man's kinsmen bearing his armour, the order of the garter, and his field-marshal's baton, and behind the coffin came his two sons and most of his kindred. Middleton, as lord high commissioner and representative of the king, occupied the place of honour, and brought up the rear in a coach drawn by six horses, with six bareheaded gentlemen riding on each hand.

It is a pity, though, that no chance is yet afforded in our service in the present day, as used to be the case in the past, when many an admiral `crept through the hawsehole, as the saying was, for respectable young fellows of good education and bright abilities to look any higher; but, it is to be hoped that the day will come, as father's old friend Captain Mordaunt said only the other day when talking to us both under the old mulberry-tree in our garden, when this state of things will be changed, and a boy who enters the service as I did on board one of our training-ships, will, as Bonaparte said the conscript carried a field-marshal's baton in his knapsack, keep snugly stowed away an admiral's cocked hat in his ditty box!

Grandmother is the field-marshal's baton. How sweet I shall render the existence of my two loved ones! How I shall cherish them! I am wild, I weep, I should like to kiss you. I am afraid I am too happy. My husband is really good. He holds the child with such pleasing awkwardness, it costs him such efforts to lift this slight burden.

To the imposing scene to-day France, like an honorable enemy, sent a representative; but Austria, still smarting under the affront to Haynau, was conspicuous by absence. The English Field-marshal's baton was borne on its cushion by the Duke's old comrade in arms, the Marquis of Anglesey. The Duke's coronet followed. Then the pall-bearers eight generals in mourning coaches.

'Amasis will be our king, ran through the ranks from man to man, and, in a few hours more, they came to me with shouts, and acclamations of 'The good, jovial Amasis for our King! One of my boon companions set a field-marshal's helmet on my head: I made the joke earnest, and we defeated Hophra at Momempliis.

Luckily, you are not likely to meet him, for he doesn't live in England. It is worth while to cross over here to the other side of the gallery and see the great bustard, with his wonderful curving white feathers. He is about the size of a small turkey, whose cousin he is, and his plumes are like those on a field-marshal's helmet.