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And Eyebright began to cry afresh; not angry tears this time, but bright, healthful drops of repentance, which cleansed and refreshed her soul. "I'll go right home now and tell her I am sorry," she said, impetuously; and, jumping from her seat, she ran straight down the hill and across the field, eager to make her confession and to be forgiven.

You and I will start alone, and we'll get some woman there to come and work when it's necessary. That'll be as much as I can manage." Of course, when Wealthy found that there were objections, her wish to go increased tenfold. She begged, and Eyebright pleaded, but papa held to his decision. There was no helping it, but this difference in opinion made the household very uncomfortable for a while.

"'Yes, the cramberry velvet is my choice," resumed Eyebright. "'Sir Knight, accept my grateful thanks. "He bent low and kissed her fair hand. "'May naught but good tidings await you ever-more! he murmured. 'Sorrow should never light on so fair a being. "'Ah, she said, 'sorrow seems my portion. What is rank or riches or ducality to a happy heart!" "What did you say?

She was a pretty little woman still, though thin and faded, and had a gentle, helpless manner, which made people want to pet her, as they might a child. The room seemed very warm and close after the fresh door-step, and Eyebright thought, as she had thought many times before, "How I wish that mother liked to have her window open!" But she did not say so.

Ordinarily, Eyebright was very proud to be trusted with this little job. She worked carefully and nicely, and had proved herself capable, but to-day her fingers seemed all thumbs. She set the cups away without drying the bottoms, so that they made wet rings on the shelves; she only half rinsed the teapot, left a bit of soap in its spout, and ended by breaking a saucer.

The bell was tolling, the crowd assembled, and the executioner stood leaning on the handle of his dreadful axe. The block was ready! "Oh, Eyebright, it is awful!" interposed Bessie, on the point of tears.

But she would not let herself be sorry then, and stifled the voice by saying, half aloud, as she went along: "I don't care. It's too bad of mother. I wish she wouldn't." Wealthy met her at the stair-foot. "How long you've been!" she said, taking the tray from her. "I can't be any quicker when I have to keep going for more things," said Eyebright.

Job Lott, he farmed it for a while; but Miss Lott's father, he was took sick over to Machias, and they moved up to look after him, and nobody's been there since, unless the boys for blueberries. I guess your Pa'll find plenty to do to get things straightened out, and so will the rest of you." "There isn't any 'rest' but me." "Do tell now. Hain't you any Ma?" "No," said Eyebright, sadly.

Then I could never come out any more not ever! And I should kneel in the chapel all the time as motionless as a marble figure. That would be beautiful." Eyebright had never been able to sit still for half an hour together in her life, but that made no difference in her enjoyment of this idea.

"Oh, how like dear, funny old Wealthy that is!" cried Eyebright, as between smiles and tears she listened to the reading of this letter. "Whom do you suppose she means by 'all inquiring friends'? And isn't it just like her to call Bessie 'that Mather girl'? Wealthy never could endure Bessie, I can't imagine why. Well, this has been a real nice Christmas, after all.