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But the exile's daughter is your equal in birth, and you are her equal in heart and in soul." "My poor Leonard, you rave," answered Harley, calmly. "And if Violante is not to be some young prince's bride, she should be some young poet's." "Poet's! Oh, no!" said Leonard, with a gentle laugh. "Poets need repose where they love!" Harley was struck by the answer, and mused over it in silence.

The king was touched in his chief interests; revenue and prerogative were threatened. 'Tuppoti mitonary think "good man": very good. Tuppoti he think "cobra": no good. I send him away ship. Such was his abrupt history of the evangelist in Apemama. Similar deportations are common: 'I send him away ship' is the epitaph of not a few, his majesty paying the exile's fare to the next place of call.

"And after being in England a few months you will be sighing for the Continent." "Never!" "You think you will be quite contented here?" "I am sure I shall be. May papa and I never be exiles again! I did not feel it when I was three years old, going out to Australia; but it would be like death to me now. Oh!" Annette shivered, as with the exile's chill. "On my honour," said Mr.

We do not look for calm impartiality in a Demosthenes, and cannot wonder if the bitterness of his long exile grows on even Athanasius. Yet no sooner is he cheered with the news of hope, than the jealousies which had grown for forty years are hushed in a moment, as though the Lord himself had spoken peace to the tumult of the grey old exile's troubled soul.

To a reader happily unaccustomed to dive into the deep and mazy recesses of a schemer's mind, it might seem that Randal's interest in retaining a hold over the exile's confidence would terminate with the assurances that had reached him, from more than one quarter, that Violante might cease to be an heiress if she married himself.

Just because he was a Thing, with no right to pride and self-respect, she could ask what she pleased, and he would answer her; but she must begin, not he. She did begin, yet so differently from the cut-and-dried beginning which he had scornfully expected, that a flash of vivid amazement swept the hardness from the exile's face. "Be very careful," she said rapidly in English.

The suspicion aroused in the General's heart became all but a certainty with the vague reminiscence of a sad, delicious melody, the air of Fleuve du Tage. The woman he loved had played the prelude to the ballad in a boudoir in Paris, how often! and now this nun had chosen the song to express an exile's longing, amid the joy of those that triumphed. Terrible sensation!

I said the dales were gardens in summer they're more like Paradise." It was evident that the exile's longing for the old land was awake within him, and Ida nodded sympathetically. "Won't you go on?" she begged. "Ah!" said Weston.

He was still a citizen of Rome, he still had his property and his rights she was no exile's wife! Yes, she must stay in Rome. It was futile for her to argue. Caesar was inexorable. She asked him when he must go. He said before another sunrise, to-morrow must not see him within the city limits. The words held no new meaning for her. What were hours and minutes to the dead?

Any belated persons walking along the Boulevard Bourdon must have stood still to listen to an exile's last prayer, a last cry of regret for a lost name, mingled with memories of Bianca. But gold soon gained the upper hand, the fatal passion quenched the light of youth.