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Updated: November 16, 2024
Yet, as they were no longer visible, his courage and power of mind came back to him sufficiently to enable him to think again. "Otter," he said to himself, "if you stay thus, soon the magic will do its work. Your sense will leave you, and that devil will eat you up as a cobra devours a meer-cat.
Life was now extinct, and the hideous form, extended to its full length, lay lithe and motionless upon the grass. Jan and Trüey clapped their hands, and uttered exclamations of joy. The serpent-eater took no heed of their demonstrations, but, approaching the dead cobra, bent over it, and coolly set about making his dinner. Von Bloom and his family had now been months without bread.
As Barnaby came in he turned round, and, to the profound astonishment of our hero, presented toward him in the light of the lantern, the dawn shining pretty strong through the skylight, the face of that very man who had conducted the mysterious expedition that night across Kingston Harbor to the Rio Cobra River.
O littlest among the waters, if only thou couldst tell me where runs my River! But be thou blessed to make the fields bear! 'Look! Look! Kim sprang to his side and dragged him back. A yellow-and-brown streak glided from the purple rustling stems to the bank, stretched its neck to the water, drank, and lay still a big cobra with fixed, lidless eyes. 'I have no stick I have no stick, said Kim.
In poisonous serpents, also, we have structures which, at all events at first sight, seem positively hurtful to those reptiles. Such are the rattle of the rattlesnake, and the expanding neck of the cobra, the former seeming to warn the ear of the intended victim, as the latter warns the eye.
Securing a fragment of the latter they proceeded once more to strike a light, with quaking hearts, while a horrible hissing and lashing was heard under the sofa. At last light was again thrown on the scene, and when the curtain was cautiously raised the cobra was seen to be writhing in its death-agonies riddled with shot, and still pinned with the sword.
"But, I just don't understand how a cobra got to Southampton," said the amazed Mr. Snyder. "Can't you guess it? I told you it came from Java." "How did you know it did?" "Captain Muller told me. Not directly, but I pieced it together from what he said. It seems that an old shipmate of Captain Gunner's was living in Java.
There, a few feet only from the horribly fascinated girl, a cobra di capdlo rising and swaying in angry undulations. The huge snake was angrily hissing with a huge distended puffed hood swelling menacingly over the dirty brown body. "Standfast!" yelled Hardwicke in agony.
What, it began to appear, they'd have to do would be to take the train for Cobra on Tuesday. Yet they couldn't quite come down on Daniel so unexpectedly; he lived, Lee recalled, on a batey, the central dominating point of a sugar estate; and unmarried what accommodations he might offer were problematic. Lee, from the heading of a letter, could not build the proportions of a Casa Vivienda.
A cobra creeps up to the queen, and Luxman kills it with his sword; but, as the owls had foretold, a drop of the cobra's blood falls on the queen's forehead. As Luxman licks off the blood, the king starts up, and, thinking that his vizier is kissing his wife, upbraids him with his ingratitude, whereupon Luxman, through grief at this unkind interpretation of his conduct, is turned into stone.
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