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"Waal, how's the prospects fur the 'lection?" she asked. "Fine! Fine!" he answered with gusto. "Folks all be so frien'ly everywhar ter we-uns." He leaned his shoulder suddenly back against the rough rails of the fence. His hat was in his hand. His hair, fine, thin, chestnut-brown, and closely clinging about his narrow head, was thrown back from his forehead.

De sojers is a huntin' fer yer, Marse Edwin; dey's all eround us! Hush-sh-sh! said she, as I attempted to rise; 'lie still, honey, dey'll sartainly cotch yer if yer goes out now! Dey's sentinils posted everywhar, and dey'll shoot you down like a dog! My poor Marse Edwin, she wailed, 'why did yer do it? Why did yer do it? Why did yer kill him? He nebber done yer no harm.

In a corner of the room sat Uncle Joshua, his head bowed down, his face covered by his hands, while the large tears fell upon the carpeting, as he sadly whispered, "It’ll be lonesome at night; it’ll be lonesome in the morning; it’ll be lonesome everywhar." Florence stood by him, and tried by gently smoothing his tangled hair to express the sympathy she could not speak.

The cattlemen, of whatever camp, appeared sullen and suspicious of every comer. "It's mighty close to a cattle war," said one old lean and leathery individual to Bob; "I know, for I been thar. Used to run cows in Montana. I hear everywhar talk about Wright's cattle dyin' in mighty funny ways. I know that's so, for I seen a slather of dead cows myself.

"Not altogether," the mountaineer agreed, "the real ol'-time feud is peterin' out, an' it's mainly due to the schoolin'. The young folks ain't ready fo' revenge now, an' that sort o' swings the women around. An' up hyeh in the mount'ns, same as everywhar else, I reckon, the idees o' the women make a pile o' difference."

"He's terrible!" and Keith shivered. "Did ye run agin 'im, laddie?" "Yes." "I thought mebbe ye had, an' he's death on parsons, too." "Why, what does he have against us?" "Laddie," and Pete laid his hand upon Keith's arm, "his heart's bad, an' he hates what's good. Ye see sich fellers everywhar.

'Fore long, Joe whistled, and as I always take short cuts everywhar, I put in at the back-door, jest as Kitty come trottin' out of the pantry with a big berry-pie in her hand. I startled her, she tripped over the sill and down she come; the dish flew one way, the pie flopped into her lap, the juice spatterin' my boots and her clean gown.

The driver looked up, and ejaculated his disgust and his tobacco juice at the same moment. "I reckon they're everywhar in Californy whar you want 'em and whar you don't; you take my word for it, afore long Californy will hev to reckon that she ginerally DON'T want 'em, ef a white man has to live here.

This was washing-day, and as she began to scrub away on the noisy washboard, a sudden thought struck her. "Ye told me two weeks ago an' better, Nick, that ye hed laid off ter sarch the Conscripts' Hollow; ye 'lowed ye hed been everywhar else. Did ye go thar fur the tur-r-key?" She faced him with her dripping arms akimbo.

"That's not all, is it?" asked Thorn, taking a fatherly interest in the younger man's love passages. "Not quite. 'Fore long, Joe whistled, and as I always take short cuts everywhar, I put in at the back-door, jest as Kitty come trottin' out of the pantry with a big berry-pie in her hand.