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Everythin' that had anythin' about it that I liked I'd put down in the book. Then I'd just show how many 'joys' I had." "Yes, yes!" cried Pollyanna, absorbedly, as the boy paused for breath. "Well, I didn't expect to get many, but do you know? I got a lot. There was somethin' about 'most everythin' that I liked a LITTLE, so in it had to go.

"We've had first rate weather," he said; "I don't want to see no better weather for sugar-makin'; it's as good kind o' weather as you need to have. It friz everythin' up tight in the night, and it thew in the sun this mornin' as soon as the sun was anywhere; the trees couldn't do no better than they have done.

Bennie's barriers of shyness had been burned away by the warmth of her friendship. He was in a mood to tell anything. "Pa, he works sometimes," he said. "An' Ella she uster work till she had a fight with her boss last week. An' now she says she ain't gotta work no more 'cause there's a feller as will give her everythin' she wants, if she says th' word!

Crew thinks him enough eddicated even for the Ministry. He does, and that's a smart lot. I guess he'll get along all right." Delighted with the expression of intent happiness in his daughter's eyes, he continued: "He's young yet, and couldn't be expected to hev done the studyin' and law and everythin'. You kin be sartin that the old man'll do all he knows to help start you fair. All I kin.

"There's a train at ten-thirty. You'll get there in the morning. I've written it all down here on a paper so you can't make any mistakes. I've written her a letter so she'll understand and tell you everythin'. I'll wire Ma, too, so she'll let you see her. Ma might not size you up right."

William was instructed to put his things ready on his bed, and his mother would then come and pack for him. He summoned her proudly over the balusters after about twenty minutes. "I've got everythin' ready, Mother." Mrs. Brown ascended to his room.

They couldn't hope to save both prisoners at once. Get Stiles first and they could organize a search-party for Podmore afterward. "The whole mob'll be chasin' off in a minute an' that's the chanst we gotta lay for. Don't go 'n' spoil everythin' just as it's comin' our way. For the love o' Pete, 'bo, stuff moss in your ears an' sit tight!" Kendrick had himself in hand again immediately.

An' she wus kind o' finnicky wi' her own feedin', too. Guess some wall-eyed cuss had took her into Sacramento an' give her a feed at one of them Dago joints, wher' they disguise most everythin' wi' langwidge, an' ile, an' garlic, till you hate yourself. Wal, she died. Mebbe she's got all them things handy now. But I ain't sayin' nothin' mean about her; she jest had her notions.

'You know I don't want anything said about it; Hayes and I are old pals; but it's a damned nuisance to have an acting manager who's always boozed. I have to look after everythin', even to making up the returns. But I must have a look and see how he's gettin' on with the guard, said Dick, jumping up and putting his head out of the window.

It was not long after this that a stealthy step was heard on the gravel path and Phoebe hurried to the door. Copernicus came in with a low word of greeting and followed the ghostly shadow of his hostess into the parlor. The three stood together in the dark and conversed in an undertone, like so many conspirators surrounded by spies. "Hev ye got everythin' ready?" Droop asked. "Yes," said Phoebe.