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It it would give me great pleasure." Miss Lessing held up another pair of gloves. "These are three-fifty-nine," she said absently. "Why did you come here to ask me?" "I I was afraid you might make some other engagement for the evening." He couldn't have served his cause more handsomely than by uttering just that transparent evasion.

A subtle evasion, thought Mr. Carleton. "Where did you learn that, Elfie?" "The Bible says so," said Fleda. "Well, how do you know it from that?" aid Mr. Carleton, impelled, he hardly knew whether by his bad or his good angel, to carry on the conversation. "Why," said Fleda, looking as if it were a very simple question and Mr. Carleton were catechising her, "you know, Mr.

They struggled against this new incubus with all the weapons at the disposal of a feeble population. Bribery, premature marriage, wholesale evasion, voluntary or forced substitution, were the means employed by the well-to-do to save their progeny from military service.

"There's two ways it touches him. There'll be a new man in the Foreign Office Lord Eglington was always against Claridge Pasha; and there's matters of land betwixt the two estates matters of land that's got to be settled now," he continued, with determined and successful evasion. The Duchess was deceived. "But you will not tell Claridge Pasha until I have told her ladyship and I give you leave?

She had so trained them through a lifetime of practice that she could meet other eyes directly while manipulating her most dextrous evasion. Whenever Eileen was most deceptively subtle, she was looking straight at her victim with the innocent appeal of a baby in her gaze. John Gilman had had his struggle. He had succeeded.

And always in these books as one draws nearer to the heart of the matter there comes a disconcerting evasion. It was the fantastic convention of the time that a writer should not touch upon religion. To do so was to rouse the jealous fury of the great multitude of professional religious teachers. It was permitted to state the discord, but it was forbidden to glance at any possible reconciliation.

The utter impossibility of an escape from St. Helena was assumed on all such occasions, with the obvious inference that there could be no use for sentinels and domiciliary visitations at Longwood, except for the gratification of malignant power. But it is now ascertained, that, throughout the whole period of the detention, schemes of evasion were in agitation at St.

"And was I like her when I was little when first she came to my father?" "Eh yes. Always thou wast the tiny image which Allah Glory to his Name! had made of her," came the nurse's assurance. "I am glad," said Aimée, in a trembling voice. She dared not press that more. Confronted with her unconscious admission the old woman would destroy it, feigning some evasion.

But an attempt to turn the right of election into such a farce and mockery as a fictitious fine and recovery, will, I hope, have another fate; because the laws which give it are infinitely dear to us, and the evasion is infinitely contemptible.

The girl met the attack with banter and raillery and adroit shiftings of the conversation whenever his ardent inferences became too obvious. Yet her evasion and her teasing could not always mask her maidenly pleasure over his adoration of her loveliness, and an occasional blush betrayed to him that his wooing was not altogether unwelcome. He was in the seventh heaven when Mrs.