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Then he crawled over with his bird and, lying flat alongside of Miss Erith, told her what he had discovered and what he had done about it. The roar of the rain almost obliterated his voice and he had to place his lips close to her ear. For a long while they lay there waiting for the rain to slacken before he launched the bird. The men across the hog-back never stirred.

Using this as a lever he rolled aside a tree-trunk, then another, and finally a bowlder. "That will do," remarked the officer. "Take your flags and go ahead." Then Evelyn Erith, rising cautiously to her scarred knees, saw the signaller gather up his flags and step into what apparently was the bed of the bowlder on the edge of the windfall.

Please do not permit him to leave before I get there. It it is very important vital in case he is the man the Kay McKay in question." "Very well. Good-night." Miss Erith sank back in her armchair, shivering even in the warm glow from the hearth. "Such things can NOT happen!" she said aloud. "Such things do not happen in life!"

After I had eat a bit, not staying to eat with them, I went away, and so took horses and to Gravesend, and there staid not, but got a boat, the sicknesse being very much in the towne still, and so called on board my Lord Bruncker and Sir John Minnes, on board one of the East Indiamen at Erith, and there do find them full of envious complaints for the pillageing of the ships, but I did pacify them, and discoursed about making money of some of the goods, and do hope to be the better by it honestly.

The hospital called her on the telephone about eight o'clock in the morning: "Miss Evelyn Erith, please?" "Yes," she said in a tired voice, "who is it?" "Is this Miss Erith?" "Yes." "This is the Superintendent's office, Samaritan, Hospital, Miss Dalton speaking." The girl's heart contracted with a pang of sheer pain. She closed her eyes and waited.

Lord Erith, Lord Rosherville's heir, considered his cousin a low person, of deplorably vulgar habits and manners; while Foker, and with equal reason, voted Erith a prig and a dullard, the nightcap of the House of Commons, the Speaker's opprobrium, the dreariest of philanthropic spouters.

Colonel Ross, being by chance at Erith, had heard of Macleod's being in town, and had immediately come up in his little steam-yacht, the Iris, which now lay at anchor close to Westminster Bridge, on the Lambeth side. He had proposed, merely for the oddity of the thing, that Macleod and his friend the major should lunch on board, and young Ogilvie had promised to run up from Aldershot.

McKay's sombre eyes rested on his in grim comprehension of all that Recklow had left unsaid. Swift and savage as would be the fate of a man caught within German frontiers on any such business as he was now engaged in, the fate of a woman would be unspeakable. If Miss Erith noticed or understood the silence between these two men she gave no sign of comprehension.

He turned to her in his boyish, frank way: "But do you know, Miss Erith, it took me quite a while to analyse the affair and to figure out why they arrested me, lied about me, and treated me so hellishly. "You see, I was kept in solitary confinement and never had a chance to speak to any of the other civilians interned there at Holzminden.

McKay wriggled cautiously backward from the chasm's granite edge and crawled into the thicket of alpine roses where Evelyn Erith lay. "No way out, Kay?" she asked under her breath. "No way THAT way, Yellow-hair." "Then?" "I don't know," he said slowly. "You mean that we ought to turn back." "Yes, we ought to. The forest is narrowing very dangerously for us.