United States or Vatican City ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He spends it as freely as water." "Strange that his employer does not see this!" "It is. But Millard is too unsuspicious, and too ignorant of what is going on out of the narrow business circle. He is like a horse in a mill. He sees nothing outside of a certain limit. He gets up in the morning, dresses himself, goes to his store, and then devotes himself to business until dinner time.

Seeing, however, that his employer did not come directly toward him, the thought flashed upon his mind that now would be a good chance to run away, and he acted upon it at once.

The two were on terms of Christian names. The group included two or three women, a sculptor and an educator, another Foreign Office official who has made a reputation since the beginning of the war, and finally an employer of labour, the chairman of the biggest shipbuilding company in England.

"Beaumaroy's not your patient, is he?" "His employer, I suppose he's his employer, Saffron is. Well, I thought it advisable to see Saffron alone. I tried to. Saffron was reluctant, this man here openly against it. Next time I shall insist. Because I think, mind you, at present I no more than think, that there's more in Saffron's case than meets the eye." Naylor glanced at him, smiling.

He came the first possible moment because he had his business to attend to. Not he. He had risen to be an employer of labour and was bound to give a good example. I believe the fellow was aware of, and enjoyed quietly, the consternation his presence brought to the bosom of Mr and Mrs Fyne. He turned briskly to the girl.

If Miss Triscoe understood that he arraigned the morality as well as the civility of his employer, she did not take him more seriously than he meant, apparently, for she smiled as she said, "I don't see how you can have anything to do with him, if you feel so about him." "Oh," Burnamy replied in kind, "he buys my poverty and not my will.

At first, the mates grumbled with indignant surprise. Their employer was breaking rules; working the cargo was their business and nobody else must meddle. Besides, they had not met a shipowner able to superintend the job.

'I stood it close beside my pillow when I went to sleep last night, and remembered it in my dreams. And when the day broke, and the glorious red sun the RED sun, father? 'Red in the mornings and the evenings, Bertha, said poor Caleb, with a woeful glance at his employer.

Van Kloof were there, with several other Englishmen, and a number of Chinese coolies and nondescript natives stood at a little distance, gazing in wondering silence. Rodier had his watch in his hand, and looked reproachfully at his employer. Smith pressed through the crowd, shaking hands with the Englishmen one after another, but declaring that he had no time for talking.

It's rather rum that he should have got the same kind of job." Mr. Holland smiled quietly. "I hope his employer is not as eccentric as I and that he pays his servant on my scale." With this shot he unlocked and passed through the door of the cottage.