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There was another protest, and Laurent spoke again: 'But I am here by appointment, madame, and I cannot afford to waste my time. And just here a curious and rather embarrassing thing happened, for the doctor, laying a nervous hand upon the door, found it suddenly opened to him with no symptom of resistance. 'A thousand pardons! he exclaimed. 'Pray tell me when you are ready.

There was a little silence after he had gone. "I don't think you are very glad to see me," said Kara. His frankness was a little embarrassing to the girl and she flushed slightly. "I am always glad to see you, Mr. Kara, or any other of my husband's friends," she said steadily. He inclined his head.

Yet here in the Great City of Venus a curious situation arose. Tarrano himself explained it to us that afternoon. An embarrassing situation for him, he termed it. "Very embarrassing," he said, with eyes that smiled at us quizzically. "Just for your ears alone, you understand, I am willing to admit that I must handle these Great City people very carefully.

"Have I your word of honour that if I surrender myself to Madame de Vionnet you'll surrender yourself to me?" Chad laid his hand firmly on his friend's. "My dear man, you have it." There was finally something in his felicity almost embarrassing and oppressive Strether had begun to fidget under it for the open air and the erect posture.

The thing, too, along with being unreasonable, was awkward and embarrassing in the extreme; for there is a kind of feeling among brothers and sisters, which, though it cannot be described, is very trying to their delicacy and shamefacedness under circumstances of a similar nature.

It was sometimes embarrassing to ask questions that any schoolboy should know. "Aren't there ways of detecting objects underwater?" he asked after a moment. "Yes," said the colonel, "But they all require beamed energy of some kind to be reflected from the object, and we don't dare use anything like that." He sat down on one corner of the table, his bright blue eyes looking up at Stanton.

She was not so mystical as she looked, but she was a strange, indirect, uncomfortable, embarrassing woman. My story will give the reader at best so very small a knot to untie that I need not hope to excite his curiosity by delaying to remark that Mrs. Ambient hated her sister-in-law. This I only found out afterwards, when I found out some other things.

Something whimsical, odd, and embarrassing about her position made it all the more piquant to the troubled eyes which, in spite of all their worldly wisdom, were still the eyes of a young man. He could not tell in the world what to say to her.

The Indians began to talk of rejoining the tribe the following day; I opposed the motion with all the dissuasives at command, assuring them that at sight of our flag the islanders would surely come over in a boat, and that, if they would only wait a little, they could go over to the island and enjoy themselves to their hearts' content; representing the absolute necessity that I should procure the rum, etc., we had talked of, and how embarrassing it would be to go back to the tribe empty-handed, after all that had been said, to be ridiculed and reproached.

"It's a grand valley and a splendid stream." She leant forward with her elbow on the saddle and her chin in the small gauntletted hand, looked up the valley absently and then back at him, with a frank speculation in her eyes which was too frank and calm to be flattering, and was, indeed, somewhat embarrassing.