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Updated: September 7, 2024

You are profoundly wounded in your several vanities, and wish to attend to this conversation while listening to your guests: you thus make replies which bring you back such inquiries as: "Why, what are you thinking of?" For you have lost the thread of the discourse, and you fidget nervously with your feet, thinking to yourself, "What is she telling her about me?"

"So did Eldon Parr," remarked another man, amidst a climax of laughter. "Langmaid handled that pretty well." Hodder felt Everett Constable fidget. "Bedloe's all right, but he's a dreamer," Mr. Plimpton volunteered. "Then I wish he'd stop dreaming," said Mr. Ferguson, and there was more laughter, although he had spoken savagely. "That's what he is, a dreamer," Varnum ejaculated.

Now entered Spontoon with an anxious countenance. By his regimental acquaintances he had traced out Madam Nosebag, and found her full of ire, fuss, and fidget at discovery of an impostor who had travelled from the north with her under the assumed name of Captain Butler of Gardiner's dragoons.

Land, they don't have such a big thing as that to tell twice in thirty year! Huck, it's mighty strange; I don't understand it." So then he was in a fidget for the rain to let up, so we could turn out and run across some of the people and see if they would say anything about it to us. And he said if they did we must be horribly surprised and shocked.

You are profoundly wounded in your several vanities, and wish to attend to this conversation while listening to your guests: you thus make replies which bring you back such inquiries as: "Why, what are you thinking of?" For you have lost the thread of the discourse, and you fidget nervously with your feet, thinking to yourself, "What is she telling her about me?"

Westover forgot him in the fidget he fell into, trying this and that effect, with his head slanted one way and then slanted the other, his hand held up to shut out the mountain below the granite mass of Lion's Head, and then changed to cut off the sky above; and then both hands lifted in parallel to confine the picture.

She, of course, had done it under the best advice. George knew that she had friends in the City who would do anything positively anything for her. But somehow Then her tone dropped. Her foot in its French shoe began to fidget on the stool before her. Somehow, she had got into the hands of a reptile there!

"Oh! there was one thing more the person knows that you come here." "Does he? Why do you think so?" "Because all the time he was talking to me he was in a rare fidget, and always kept his eyes on the door." "Thanks, Mother Brigaut; mind and keep a sharp lookout," returned Tantaine, as he slowly ascended the stairs. Every now and then he paused to think.

I don't know why I should fidget about you, for you showed you had much more good sense than I credited you with, when you gave up your chance of going to sea and went into uncle's office. "I am sure I am the last person who ought to lecture you, after choosing to run about all over the world, and to take the risk of being starved here," and she smiled at her husband.

By and by it began to look as though she had forgotten that there were more than five. She could not count. But most mothers can number their children, even if they cannot count, and soon Calico began to fidget, looking up at the hat which the hungry, motherless squirrels kept rocking. Then she leaped out upon the floor, purring, and bounded upon the table, going straight to the young squirrels.

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