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But as I have so often said, the American life is in no wise logical, and you will not be surprised, though you may be shocked or amused, to learn that the festival of Thanksgiving is now so generally devoted to witnessing a game of football between the elevens of two great universities that the services at the churches are very scantily attended.

Looking out of the window the other members of the party saw a huge steam roller snorting and puffing up the hill. Among the men who played football with Graves and were indeed of his type, were Doe and Bunker. Like Graves, Bunker in spite of his great weight, was fast enough to play in the backfield in those years when Army elevens were relying so much upon terrific power.

"Don't be too reckless. Just fight to keep the Navy from scoring." "Hepson! Hepson!" came, appealingly, from the seats, as the two elevens lined up at the twenty-five-yard line. "Darry! O Darry!" Grim determination written on their faces, eleven middies awaited the signal, then hurled themselves forward like tigers. The ball came to Dave, who started with it.

Thornton stepped to the edge of the table, standing there, resting his left hand on the table as he began to speak. In simple words, without any visible emotion, the High School principal stated what he understood of the receipt of copies of the football signal code by the captains of rival football elevens. Next Mr. Morton took the stand, so to speak, and went much more into detail.

By the elevens, I'll hould goold to silver that this is poor Fenton that disappeared so suddenly." "I beg your pardon, miss," said he, addressing Mrs. Scarman as an unmarried lady, as he perceived that she was the person from whom he could receive the best intelligence on the subject; "I hope it's no offence, miss, to ax a question?"

But we want to beat the Navy, year in and year out. Why, fellows, this year the Navy has one of the best elevens in its history. All the signs are that the middies are going to walk roughshod over us. And yet you two fellows, whom we need, are sulking in quarters, poring over books -nervous about your studies!" Scorn rang in Brayton's heavy tones. "If I really thought you needed me " began Dick.

There were heroes on the Red and Blue team that day, and without a Barrett at his best against them, they would have won. It was up to Eddie Hart with his supreme personality and indomitable spirit, which has always characterized him from the day he entered Exeter until he forged his way to the leadership of one of Princeton's finest elevens to bring home the long deferred championship.

"'Och! by the elevens, says Jack, 'we're done at last; it's the dark fellow, and half the country after us. 'Put your hand, says she, 'in the filly's right ear, and tell me what you find in it. 'Nothing at all, says Jack, 'but a weeshy bit of a dry stick. 'Throw it over your left shoulder says she, 'and see what will happen. Jack did so at once, and there was a great grove of thick trees growing so close to one another, that a dandy could scarcely get his arm betwixt them.

Though every man in the corps would have thrown up his cap at the announcement that Prescott and Holmes were to play again this year, the leaders of first-class opinion could see no reason to alter their judgment of Dick. So he continued in Coventry. The football season came on with a rush at last. The Army won some of its games, from minor teams, but none from the bigger college elevens.

"Now now's your chance!" yelled the Manorites. To their flaming senses the ball appeared to be lying, a huge blurred sphere, upon the muddy grass; and the Elevens were stupidly staring at it. The Saints be praised! Some fellow can move. Who is it? The players, big and little, are so daubed with mud from head to foot as to be unrecognizable. Ah-h-h! It's young Verney. "Good kid!