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He threw the old man such dark and restless looks that Mary Anne perceived them, and, with instinctive understanding, persuaded John to go. She, however, must needs go with him, and she went. The other woman stayed. Every now and then she looked furtively at Isaac. "If some one don't look arter 'im," she said to herself, "'ee'll go as his father and his brothers went afore him.

Then he looked up, and seeing the sweet compassion in her eyes, he could no longer keep the secret of his pain from her. "'Tis 'ee, Marty," he said. "Thee'll never want I there's others 'ee'll like better. 'Tisn't for I to say a word about that, I'm thinking, for I be just nothing. An' an' I be going away from the village, Marty, and I'll never come back no more." "Oh, Johnnie, don't 'ee say it!

"He's only just arrived from London, and he's walked all the way from Brawnton." "'Tain't but a stip vur a vine vellar like 'ee, and wi' a vine maiden like yu du be grown, var tu kip 'ee company," said Happy Jack. "But 'ee'll be in a yurry tu git tu Barracombe, and refresh hisself, in arl this turble yeat. When the zun du search, the rain du voller."

"I'd a sight sooner take 'ee Hannah meanin' no offence to 'ee miss but if it can't be, why " "Of course it can't, you booby. You know that as well as I do." "Aye. Some other time may be," rejoined Giles grinning afresh. "So 'ee be a-goin' to see the great Mr. Pope? 'Ee'll have to cross by the ferry and 'tis a bit of a walk there from Mortlake but I'll see 'ee safe."

It is evident that the Indian has a comrade in the woods, yet not one of the band seems to know aught of him or his comrade. Yes, one does. It is Rube. "Look'ee hyur, boyees!" cries he, squinting over his shoulders; "I'll stake this rib against a griskin o' poor bull that 'ee'll see the puttiest gal as 'ee ever set yur eyes on."

If 'ee'll gi' me a kupple o' minutes, I'll answer ye to the best o' my possibilities." "Very well; we will wait for you. Men! look to your arms, and see that they are all in readiness." During this consultation, which had occupied but a few seconds of time, we could see that the enemy was similarly employed on the other side.

The oxen were cast loose, the riders leaped to the ground, and the whole party, men, oxen, and horses, ran in a promiscuous heap into the water. "Wow, man, Jerry, hae a care; ee'll be squizzen atween the beasts," said Sandy Black, as the active Jerry passed him in the race.

"Why, yes," said Boase. "I want to knaw if 'ee'll tache our Vassie too. Archelaus, he'em too old, and thinks on naught but gwain with females, and Tom's doen fine with Mr. Tonkin, and for me I'm not that class. Farmen's my traade. But the maid, she'm so quick and clever, 'tes only fitty she should have her chance same as the lil'un.

An' 'ee didn't believe as your money would come to any good; for now Eliza was gone you wouldn't know how to take care on it." John's eyes flamed. "Oh! 'ee says that, do 'ee? Well, Saunders wor allus a beast an' a beast 'ee'll be." He sat with his chin on his large dirty hands, ruminating furiously. It was quite true that Saunders had thwarted him more than once. There was old Mrs.

"Thee've got no water in 'ee, and if 'ee don't fill'ee avore New Year, 'ee'll be no more good for a stree-um"! Thus briefly, to Father Thames, the shepherd of Sinodun Hill.