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"No," ses Ginger. "Don't you flatter yourself. He came up to you because he didn't know you, Sam." "If he 'ad, he'd ha' bit your 'and," ses Peter Russet. "Instead o' washing it," ses Ginger. "Go on!" ses Sam, 'olding his breath with passion. "Go on!" Peter opened 'is mouth, but just then another man came into the bar, and, arter ordering 'is drink, turned round and patted the dog's 'ead.

Hold up yer 'ead, missie dear, don't let yer face touch the mud." Stella raised her head as high as she could, but she was so exhausted that it fell forward again, and she lost consciousness altogether. "I can save the boy," said a voice, "if you'll give me a rope."

Didn't 'e look arter poor old me when 'e 'ad money, an' when 'e lost everything, didn't 'e look arter me still? An' now 'e 's your shuvver, don' 'e keep a roof over me poor old 'ead like a son don't 'e give me the run o' jour garridge an' let me watch 'im spar wi' you an' your gentlemen friends? Ain't 'e the best an' truest-'earted man as ever drawed breath?

"'Couldn't you find 'omes for 'em? ses Mr. Bunnett. "Henery Walker shook his 'ead agin. ''Tain't no use thinking o' that, he ses. 'There's more cats than 'omes about 'ere'. Why, Bill Chambers drownded six o'ny last week right afore the eyes of my pore little boy. Upset 'im dreadful it did. "Mr. Bunnett walked up and down the room thinking.

He stopped to consider, and a cry went up from the far side of the parade-ground: "He's killed Jerry Blazes!" But in the shelter of the well-pillars Simmons was safe, except when he stepped out to fire. "I'll blow yer 'andsome 'ead off, Jerry Blazes," said Simmons reflectively.

I think I'll suggest it to him to-morrow." "An' it's all goin' up to the 'Ead. Oh, Good Lord!" "Every giddy word of it, my Chingangook," said Beetle, dancing. "Why shouldn't it? We've done nothing wrong. We ain't poachers. We didn't cut about blastin' the characters of poor, innocent boys saying they were drunk." "That I didn't," said Foxy.

"Wot'll be the end of it I don't know," said Mr. Wilks, laying a hand, which still trembled, on the other' knee. "It's got about that she saved my life by 'er careful nussing, and the way she shakes 'er 'ead at me for risking my valuable life, as she calls it, going up to London, gives me the shivers." "Nonsense," said Hardy; "she can't marry you against your will. Just be distantly civil to her."

My poor good man had not a long been dead, as good a man as hever lived, marm," and Becky dropped a courtesy; "he fell off a scaffold, and pitched right on his 'ead, or I should not have come on the parish, marm, and that's the truth on it!" "Very well, I shall call and hear all about it; a sad case, I dare say.

I thought I should 'ave lost my 'ead, what with the crowds that gathered, an' the police in the 'ouse, an' the doctors a viewin' the departed corpse, an' " Jimmie checked her by a gesture. "Are you sure you have told me everything?" he asked. "Every blessed word, sir. It's the first and only time the woman spoke to me of 'erself."

"I don't think he's quite right in 'is 'ead; he's been losing a lot lately." One day Journeyman was surprised to see Ketley sitting quite composedly in the jug and bottle bar. "He got me at last; I had to go, the whispering got so loud in my head as I was a-coming down the street.