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"It grieveth me to hear thee say so, for he lacketh not talent, but instruction; and the Dux, he pleaseth me mightily a second Palinurus. Yet how that a man could venture to embark upon an element, to struggle through the horrors of which must occasionally demand the utmost exertion of every limb, with the want of the two most necessary for his safety, is to me quite incomprehensible."

Our two historians, with all the facts before them, honestly stated too, but diversely interpreted, stand in open antagonism of judgment about the proceedings of Massachusetts against the Antinomians. That bitter strife Dux foemina facti was in continuation of the issue opened by Roger Williams, though it turned upon new elements. Here, again, Mr. Arnold stands stoutly for the partisans of Mrs.

"What I gonter tell Marse Bob an' Miss Milly when they axes wha' Miss Ann done took herself?" "I ain't consarned with what you tells 'em. My Miss Ann air done writ a letter ter Miss Milly an' if you ain't got a lie handy you kin jes' han' her the billy dux." "I allus been holdin' ter it an' I'll give it ter you extry clarified, you's a mean nigger man mean an' low lifed.

Dear Norman, here is good news! Papa, Dr. Hoxton has been here, and he knows all about it and oh! Norman, he is very sorry for the injustice, and you are dux again!" Norman really trembled so much that he could neither speak nor stand, but sat down on the window-seat, while a confusion of tongues asked more. Dr. Hoxton and Mr.

The first civilities were passing between them, when a tall figure, his red hair crossed by a bandage, his ruddy face paled, his steps faltering, came stumbling forward to the porch, crying, in his wonderful dialect between Latin and French, 'Sire, Domine Dux! Justitia! You loved the Lady Eleanor. Free her! They are prisoners to latroni un routier sceleratissimo reiver Balchenburg!

Dryden was erected upon this hint, by Sheffield duke of Buckingham, to which was originally intended this epitaph. This Sheffield raised. The sacred dust below, Was Dryden once; the rest who does not know. Which was since changed into the plain inscription now upon it, viz. J. DRYDEN, Natus Aug. 9. 1631. Mortus Maii 1. 1701. Johannes Sheffield, Dux Buckinghamienfis secit. The character of Mr.

We even find evidence of quite a large amount of liberty used by the duces in the ultimate disposal of property coming under their jurisdiction by forfeiture, the more powerful making use of it precisely as if it were private property. For example, in the Chronica Farfensis appears a case judged by Hildeprandus, dux of Spoleto, in the year 787.

While an identification of the "young, thoughtless girl" has been impossible, M. Rava believes her to be "C. M.," the subject of a poem found at Dux, written in duplicate, in Italian and French, and headed "Giacomo Casanova, in love, to C. M."

Also to his friend Zaguri, who wrote, the 16th March: "I hope that the gout in your hand will not torment you any more. . . . You have told me the story I asked about and which begins: 'Two months have passed since an officer, who is at Vienna, insulted me! I cannot understand whether he who wrote you an insulting letter is at Vienna or whether he is at Dux.

Unluckily, he was called away on the morning of the day that I reached Dux. He had left everything ready for me, and I was shown over the castle by a friend of his, Dr. Kittel, whose courtesy I should like also to acknowledge. After a hurried visit to the castle we started on the long drive to Oberleutensdorf, a smaller Schloss near Komotau, where the Waldstein family was then staying.