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Dryden was erected upon this hint, by Sheffield duke of Buckingham, to which was originally intended this epitaph. This Sheffield raised. The sacred dust below, Was Dryden once; the rest who does not know. Which was since changed into the plain inscription now upon it, viz. J. DRYDEN, Natus Aug. 9. 1631. Mortus Maii 1. 1701. Johannes Sheffield, Dux Buckinghamienfis secit. The character of Mr.

The which being performed, the said white camell caried the sword and body of Mortus Ali taken vp into heauen, for whose return they haue long looked in Persia. And for this cause the king alwayes keepeth a horse ready sadled for him, and also of late kept for him one of his owne daughters to be his wife, but she died in the yere of our Lord, 1573.

Et his dictis elevatus est magus in aëra et iterum desuper cito dejectus sparso ad lapidem cerebro comminutus et mortus fuerat coram eis." The pagans became afraid at this. But the king was much infuriated against Patrick, and he determined to kill him. He told his people to slay the cleric.

I haue enquired why they leaue the tuft of haire vpon their heads. They answered that thereby they may easiler be carried vp into heauen when they are dead. They vse euery morning and afternoone to go vp to the tops of their churches, and tell there a great tale of Mahumet and Mortus Ali: and other preaching haue they none.

But the Persians say that it was one Mortus Ali, which they would prooue in this maner. He had a sword that hee fought withall, with the which hee conquered all his enemies, and killed as many as he stroke.

When Mortus Ali died, there came a holy prophet, who gaue them warning that shortly there would come a white Camell, vpon the which he charged them to lay the body and sword of Mortus Ali, and to suffer the Camel to cary it whither he would.