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In the centre of the room, on a table, lay Monsieur le Duc's hat and gloves and cane, always ready in the event of his going out unexpectedly, to save him the trouble of an order. The articles that we wear retain something of ourselves.

The squire found no trace of Chabannes but was told by others that the Princess was seriously ill. The Duc's inquietude was increased by what the squire had told him, but as he could do nothing he was constrained to go back to his uncle's in order not to raise suspicions by too long an absence.

"Three hours after Le Duc's arrival I took post and went to Schaffhaus, and from there to Zurich, with hired horses, as there are no posts in Switzerland. At Zurich I put up at the 'Sward, an excellent inn. "After supper, powdering over my arrival in Zurich where I had dropped from the clouds as it were, I began, to reflect seriously upon my present situation and the events of my past life.

"I see," said I, "that you are going to serve me as you served Lady Montagu." "Not altogether; but as you do not like melancholy, allow me to ask a favour." "Do so, my dear." "Please do not ask me to give you your bath." "Upon my honour, I did not think of doing so. It would be scandalous. That's Le Duc's business." "Pardon me, and allow me to ask another favour." "Tell me everything you want."

As soon as we were alone, my dear Dubois asked me if I had sufficient proof of Le Duc's fidelity. "Well, my dear, he is a rascal and a profligate, full of impudence, sharp-witted, ignorant, a fearful liar, and nobody but myself has any power over him. However, he has one good quality, and that is blind obedience to my orders.

They at last reached the park, where they left their horses in the care of the Duc's squire, and passing through a gap in the wall they came to the flower garden. The Comte had always retained some hope that the Princess would come to her senses and resolve not to see the Duc, but when he saw that the drawbridge was lowered he realised that his hope was in vain.

And when Juliette dashed into his room and stood before him, pale, trembling, a world of misery in her great eyes, she knew that he guessed and that she need not tell him. God had already done that for her. Pierre, the old Duc's devoted valet, dressed him as quickly as he could.

At last some arrived, brought by a gentleman in the Duc's service, which he took to her immediately so as not to delay her pleasure for a moment longer than necessary. The Princess was delighted to have them and tortured the poor Comte by reading them to him, as well as her tender and loving reply. He took this reply to the waiting courier even more sadly than he had made the delivery.

"Yes; with other more important documents constituting what I may call my pieces justificatives. "I need not say that I replied stating the time at which I should arrive at Bayonne, and the hotel at which I should await the Duc's command.

She rose, went out without a word, and in a quarter of an hour returned in a suit of Le Duc's, but minus the trousers, as she had certain protuberances which would have stood out too much I told her to take a pair of my breeches, and we settled to go to the bath next morning. She came to wake at six o'clock. She was dressed like a man, and wore a blue overcoat which disguised her shape admirably.