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"Oh! don't they!" exclaimed Tommy, opening his eyes very wide, and rounding his mouth so as to express his utter inability to convey any idea of the terrific powers of bo'suns in that particular line. "But Bluenose beats 'em all. He'd chew oakum, I do believe, if he didn't get baccy, and yet he boasts of not drinkin'! Seems to me he's just as bad as the rest of us."

"But Mary Haggarty, Connor?" "I was drinkin' hard, ye understand, Coolin drinkin', loike a dhromedairy ivery day enough to last a wake, an' Mary tryin' to stop me betimes. At last I tuk the pledge an' her on promise. An' purty, purty she looked thin, an' shtepping light an' fine, an' the weddin' was coming an.

"Sayin' don't count for nothin'. Zoeth Cahoon keeps SAYIN' he's goin' to stop drinkin', but he only stops long enough to catch his breath. Cy's tellin' himself fairy yarns and he hopes he believes 'em. Man alive! can't you SEE? Ain't he gettin' more foolish over the young one every day? Don't she boss him round like the overseer on a cranberry swamp?

Taxicabbin' me all night in the Park and drinkin' around this way all the time together. You 'ain't been kiddin' me, Lew?" He shot up his cigar to an oblique. "Now you're shoutin'!" he repeated. "It took three months to get you down off your high horse, but now we're talkin' the same language." "Lew!" "It ain't every girl I take up with; just let that sink in.

No, ma'am, it's awful cruel to blame you for your brother's drinkin'. I've got some pieces about it at home, about folkses' families a-sufferin' for their drinkin'. I'd like to come again if you want me. I'm afraid I ain't much company, but I could stroke your head every time you have a headache.

Heap hungry!" he announced. Hollister rolled out of the bunk promptly. "Here's where we go into the barbecue business an' the Slash ranch loses them elk," he told Bob under cover of replenishing the fire in the stove. "An' I can name two lads who'll be lucky if they don't lose their scalps. These birds have been drinkin'." It took no wiseacre to divine the condition of the Indians.

That made Sol Blugg and his crowd sore, and they often tried to do Abe harm. Now that Abe queered that land swindle for 'em I suppose they are more sore than ever. But I don't think they would have come here, only they have been drinkin'." "You had better keep on the lookout they may come back," said Dave. "I'll keep on guard, don't fear.

The wedding supper, simple enough, but seemingly too expensive to Saxon, had been eaten. Bert, in his hand a glass of California red wine, which the management supplied for fifty cents a bottle, was on his feet endeavoring a speech. His face was flushed; his black eyes were feverishly bright. "You've ben drinkin' before you met me," Mary continued. "I can see it stickin' out all over you."

Joe Rainey was drinkin' and he and Temple Scott was always the best of friends, but when he was drinkin' he always quarreled with Scott and threatened him. Then my pa says: "His threats came to nothin'. He wouldn't harm a child. He's threatened me a hundred times. I never paid any attention to him. Every one knows he was harmless."

"Divil a word could I shpake, but I winked at him, and Captain Masham shtandin' by whips out a flask. "'Put that betune his teeth, says he. Whin I got it there, trust me fur not lettin' it go. An' the Sergeant-Major says to me: 'I have hopes of you, Kilquhanity, when you do be drinkin' loike that. "'A foine healthy corpse I am; an' a foine thirsty, healthy corpse I am, says I."