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Because in the hundred or more years of its existence there has never been water pressure in Grande Mignon, the fighting of a fire there with primitive means has become an exact and beautiful science. A few bold spirits had disputed the wisdom of Squire Hardy's orders to let the wharf and fish-house burn, and had attempted to give them a dousing.

And Captain Sol poured a very little rum into each cup, and the man with the cup went forward. But, while Captain Sol was doing that, there was one sailor near the middle of the ship who felt as if he would rather have a dousing of cold water than all the rum in the jug.

The runners start at six," whereat even the rueful smile was observed to vanish, and without answer Blakely turned away, stepping gingerly into the heated sand with his bare white feet. "Don't bother about dousing anything else, sergeant," said he presently, to the soldier supervising the work of the bucket squad.

Now, as he finished speaking, he dropped back on his blankets with some display of weariness. Bill's eyes were watching him closely. He was wondering how much of this he would have heard had Kars been his usual, robust self. He did not think he would have heard so much. He rose from his blankets. "I'm all in, boy, on this enterprise," he said, in his amiable way. "Meanwhile I'm dousing this light.

She knew that presently he would enter the room in his trousers and undershirt, which he did upon the very minute, the little purple circle, like a stamp mark on the rind of a bacon, showing just beneath his Adam's apple, the shag of his yellow hair wetly curly from dousing, like a spaniel's. "Certainly fine water pressure we have in the bathroom, Lilly.

Hen, catching only an imperfect view as he gazed down past the end of his nose, was sure that he had been badly injured by his fall. Some of the other boys set up a yell of laughter. "Why, you big baby!" blurted Toby. "You've only scratched your lip on the ice." "A handful of snow will heal it!" asserted Ben Alvord. "Come, get up, bone-head! Come on to your dousing."

A drizzling, cold Texas rain had begun to fall an endless, lazy, unintermittent downfall that lowered the spirits of men and raised a reluctant steam from the warm stones of the streets and houses. Thus comes the "norther" dousing gentle spring and amiable autumn with the chilling salutes and adieux of coming and departing winter.

He determined that the most elaborate float in the parade should be one which depicted Dorothy dousing the Wicked Witch with water. Because he was now as large as a human child, Simon was able to gather together the materials he needed in record time. Although he was hardly W.W. Denslow or Frank Kramer, Simon's artistic abilities were far superior to those of Dirk.

Master Freake's windows were ablaze with light, and the door was being held open by a man in handsome livery to admit an exquisite gentleman and a more exquisite lady who had just arrived there in chairs. I gave my man his guinea, and after dousing his link in a great iron extinguisher at the side of the door, he sped happily away.

Yet I could not detect any sign that anything was wrong with her; she was not sitting particularly deep in the water so far as I could judge in the darkness nor did her spars appear to be damaged, except that, as I have already mentioned, her topgallant-masts seemed to have been carried away; there appeared, therefore, to be no reason why we should not venture alongside; and accordingly, as soon as we had stood on far enough to fetch her on the next tack, I hove the boat round and the brig happening to lie broadside-on to the sea ran her alongside to leeward, dousing my sails as we came up abreast the stranger's lee quarter.