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The railroad conductor and his friends coughed fictitiously, and said, "Oh! oh!" "A'n't you ashamed!" "Look out for pockets!" "Thief in the house!" and other playful things, which put the entire audience in good humor. But the strangest and most unexpected occurrence, was a grand rush, as of a herd of wild bulls, on the stairs, accompanied by the dousing of the one remaining light in the entry.

An instant later Tom's plan was made clear to his chum. He saw Tom circling over the burning red shed, and then the bank clerk saw what looked like fine rain dropping from the lower part of the balloon straight into the flames. "He can't be dousing water on from up above there," reasoned Ned.

On leaving the sudatory chamber, the horse should first be well scraped with the scraper, carefully sponging, or dousing him, if necessary, with warm water.

"I remember once walking home with a couple of men, and one of them suggested dousing all the street lamps in the road, which was a residential one leading into town. There wasn't anything in it, but we did it. One man put his back against a post, while the second went on to the next post.

We could clean the knives, and shell the peas." "I think that would be very kind if you did." "And may we tell her?" "If you like." The two little girls ran off to where Bubbles was washing out dish towels by the kitchen door. "Bubbles! Bubbles! You are going on a picnic," cried Dimple. Bubbles dropped the dish towel she was dousing up and down in the water. "Me, Miss Dimple? Me? Who say so?"

They were having a grand good time dousing me in the drink, you see, when, all of a sudden, Kaiser burst among them. Such whooping and howling I never heard in all my life! You'd sure thought a lunatic asylum had broken loose, boys," and Bones laughed as well as he could between shivers. "And then what?" persisted Lanky. "Oh, they scooted like fun.

An' I'n changed one o' the suvreigns to buy my mother a goose for dinner, an' I'n bought a blue plush wescoat, an' a sealskin cap, for if I meant to be a packman, I'd do it respectable. But I don't mind about it, not a chip! My yead isn't a turnip, an' I shall p'r'aps have a chance o' dousing another fire afore long. I'm a lucky chap. So I'll thank you to take the nine suvreigns, Mr.

Time and again it looked as if she would never be able to climb the huge walls of green water that towered above her; but every time she did, and, as the storm raged on, the confidence of the boys began to grow. "She'll ride it out, Tubby!" yelled Merritt, dousing the engine with more oil. "Sure she will!" yelled back Tubby, with a confidence that was, however, largely assumed.

"The scrap with the farmer, dousing the sparks on that girl, and deciding on going to Yale! "Jove, though, but I'm glad I've made up my mind! Yale! I wonder if I'll be worthy of it?" Andy leaned against the window and looked out to where the moonlight made fantastic shadows through the big maples on the green.

"Yes, without having to take any of the medicine. Hist they're coming." Frank could readily guess what the enemy had in view the old school trick of dousing them in their sleep. He relied on the mysterious promises of his chum, and lay still and listened intently.