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Doos a'most anyting 'cept what's good." "Swate cratures," murmured Rooney; "I hope we'll be introdooced to aich other soon." As it is desirable that the reader should have a little more extended knowledge of the miscreants referred to, we will retrace our steps in time a little, and change the scene.

The Yankee dialect which he makes use of as a vehicle in these verses is not always as clear-cut as it might be. He says, for instance, "Pleasure doos make us Yankee kind of winch As if it was something paid for by the inch." The true New England countryman never flattens a vowel; if he changes it he always makes it sharp.

Miss Vancourt don't want nothin' out of 'im as all we doos, an' she kin show 'er independence ef she likes to by stayin' away from church when she fancies, an' readin' books instead of 'earin' sermons, there ain't no harm in that." "I'm not so sure that I agree with you, Mr.

How his black back curved, and his small head tossed! Still, he would not pull an ounce, but just pawed like a fairy horse, or as if he were born to tread on clouds alone, or to herald in the morning. "He'll start by-'m-by, he's a devil of a spirit in him, when he doos start," remarked our Phoebus, composedly, giving, through the darkness, the unerring switch every half minute.

"You spend a good deal of time in reading the newspapers." "And I'd like you to tell me how we can spend it better. How should freemen spend their time, but looking after their government, and watching that them fellers as we gives offices to, doos their duty, and gives themselves no airs?"

"No; it went down half an hour ago." An inaudible question followed. "Next down-train at eleven." There was now a faintly audible lament or appeal. "Guess you'll have to come earlier next time. Most folks doos that wants to take it."

"Man!" said the other, with an earnest look, "doos you tink I come here like dis for tell do Breetish consul a lie!" "Shure yer right, an' I'm a goose," exclaimed the tar, becoming still more excited; "but are 'ee sure yer not mistaken, owld man?" "Quite sure. Listen. Go, tell consul dat one boat come shore at Pointe Pescade, find me dere, capture me carry me off.

And even as he stood thus bewildered, the boy raised his hat with a shy smile, with which there was also much sadness mingled, and revealed the face of the little Margot. "Wal," exclaimed Zac, "this doos beat creation!" Zac then caught both her hands, and held them in a tight grip, and for a few moments could not speak. "I do feel good, little one," said he, in a tremulous voice.

"La! you needn't look at me like that," said Miss Collins, chuckling. "It's no harm. You had your ch'ice, and you chose it; only I would have took the other." "The other what? What would you have taken?" "Wall, I don' know," said Miss Collins; "to be sure, one never doos know till one is tried, they say; but if I had, I think I should ha' took 'tother one."

Here, Brower, take these to your mother, and tell her to git supper right stret off and you tell Emma Jane to make some buckwheat cakes for A ! he can't sup no how without buckwheat cakes; and I sets a great store by A ! I does, by G ! and you needn't laugh, boys, for I doos a darned sight more than what I doos by you."