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Her tea not being yet on board, the ship's hull floated high as a castle, and to the subtle, intellectual, doll-faced, bolus-eyed people, that sculled to and fro, busy as bees, though looking forked mushrooms, she sounded like a vast musical shell: for a lusty harmony of many mellow voices vibrated in her great cavities, and made the air ring cheerily around her.

"Ya-as she is, the doll-faced simp! Why, say, she never wiped up a floor in her life, or baked a cake, or stood on them feet of hers. She couldn't cut up a loaf of bread decent. Bleedin' France! Ha! That's rich, that is." She thrust her chin out brutally, and her eyes narrowed to slits. "She's goin' over there after that fella of hers. She's chasin' him.

It took them actual minutes to realize that Pearl, the spineless clinging doll-faced girl they had befriended, had sold them out. "And we took her for such a baby!" said Hinpoha, in bewilderment. "Who would ever dream she could drive a car?" gasped Gladys. "She was afraid to toot the horn." To lose your automobile in the midst of a tour must be like having your horse shot under you.

It was plain enough that he could not arrange his fortune as he had anticipated when he decided to begin to make love to little pink and white, doll-faced Rosy Vanderpoel. If he began to demand monetary advantages in his dealing with his future wife's people in their settlement of her fortune, he might arouse suspicion and inquiry.

She stamped upon the stone floor, she clenched her hands and lifted them high above her head in a sudden access and abandon of rage. "You think that, having made mock of me, you shall turn to her? Fool! Seven times accursed fool! I will show you the doll-faced, baby-eyed girl and you will see, too, what fate I have reserved for her. To cross the path of Zoraida means But what are words?

"Have you ever had a boy cover your hands with kisses?" asked Helen eagerly, starting from her position. Stella, raised her head, looked at the simple, inconsequent, little doll-faced blonde and with an odd smile said: "Well, I could hardly have called him a boy." "Oh, was he a man? A real man? Did he wear a moustache?

"The artfulness of her!" exclaimed the thick one, lorgnetting the graceful Constance with a fishy eye as the temporary flower girl joyously greeted Ashley Loring and Val Russel and Bruce Townley, pinned bouquets upon them and exchanged laughing banter with them. "Dreadful!" agreed the shocked thin one. "Those are the very wiles by which doll-faced stage women insnare our most desirable young men."

I could fairly see it of a fine afternoon, with its showy master sitting on one of the showy porches, serving afternoon tea in his best manner to the best people of Santa Ysobel. Just the husband for that doll-faced girl, if she only thought so. What could she have done with a young outlaw like Worth? When I looked at the Chinaman in charge there, I gave up my idea of questioning him.

"You are a pretty little doll-faced thing, and I expect I'll have to forgive your very reprehensible behaviour." "I'm NOT a doll-face," said Patty, pouting; "I shan't let you go until you take THAT back." As Patty had her arms tightly round her father's neck, he considered it the better part of valour to take back his words. "All right," he said, "rather than be garroted, I retract!

As they swam out of Anko's palace and the doll-faced fishes left them, Aquareine asked: "Would you rather go back to our mermaid home for a time and rest yourselves or would you prefer to start for Giant's Cave at once?" "I guess we'd better go back home," decided Trot. "To our own home, I mean. We've been away quite a while, and King Anko seemed to think it was best."