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It was only last evening that I met this lady at a soiree given by Mademoiselle Julie Caumartin, coryphee distinguee, in love with young Rameau." "In love with young Rameau? I am very glad to hear it. He returns the love?" "I suppose so. He seems very proud of it. But apropos of Madame Duval, she has been long absent from Paris, just returned, and looking out for conquests.

Florence was to his eyes really the sort of a girl whom a man in his position ought to marry. A secretary of legation in a small foreign capital cannot do with a dowdy wife, as may a clerk, for instance, in the Foreign Office. A secretary of legation, the second secretary, he told himself, was bound, if he married at all, to have a pretty and distinguée wife.

Not to speak of Ingeborg Hjelm's being really amiable and distinguee, his heart was now prepared, as a photographer's glass which has received collodium, and took the first girl picture that met it. He was quite afraid that there would come more to choose among.

No, no, never, Miss Rose dat is not style noble; 'twill only become de petit minois of your English originale. I wash my hand of dat always." The toilette superbe mademoiselle held to be the easiest of all those which she had named with favour, it may be accomplished by any common hands; but head is requisite to reach the toilette distinguee.

We find him at the head of one of those useful establishments unknown in our country a Bureau de Mariage: half a dozen of such places are daily advertised in the journals: and "une veuve de trente ans ayant une fortune de deux cent mille francs," or "une demoiselle de quinze aus, jolie, d'une famille tres distinguee, qui possede trente mille livres de rentes," continually, in this kind-hearted way, are offering themselves to the public: sometimes it is a gentleman, with a "physique agreable, des talens de societe" and a place under Government, who makes a sacrifice of himself in a similar manner.

J'ai beaucoup cause avec l'auteur de 'Romola; c'est une femme de 45 ans, pas belle du tout, mais tres distinguee, elle m'a fort bien recu. Lewes lui-meme est laid, mais tres cordial. Son salon est un modele de gout et d'elegance, et toute sa maison est aussi bien tenue que celle de Millais, par exemple.