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The great point is, to let it be supposed that you are about to marry some one else; and then, suspicion not being awakened, you may gain your wish." "But tell me, madame, that I may be safe from the emperor's displeasure is true but would the princess, after he discovered it? Could he not take her away from me, and send her to Siberia for disobedience?"

After urging in strong terms the necessity of a more liberal compensation to the army, and stating that the British were actually raising a regiment with a bounty of ten pounds sterling for each recruit, he added, "when the pay and establishment of an officer once become objects of interested attention, the sloth, negligence, and even disobedience of orders, which at this time but too generally prevail, will be purged off; but while the service is viewed with indifference; while the officer conceives that he is rather conferring than receiving an obligation: there will be a total relaxation of all order and discipline; and every thing will move heavily on, to the great detriment of the service, and inexpressible trouble and vexation of the general.

"Sorry it's against your will, but can't help it; not used to being ordered about and don't know how to submit, and so I'm going." "Ungrateful girl; actually meditating disobedience on the horse I gave her!" "Easy now, uncle fair and easy. I did not sell my free will for Gyp! I wouldn't for a thousand Gyps! He was a free gift," said Capitola, beginning an impatient little dance about the floor.

"A week ago, upon the crossing of the Potomac, you placed me under arrest for what you conceived for disobedience to orders. Since then General Branch has commanded the Light Division." "Yes." "I feel certain, sir, that battle is imminent. General Branch is a good and brave soldier, but but I am come to beg, sir, that I may be released from arrest till the battle is over."

The two officers now made their way to head-quarters, where General San Martin immediately made Spry his naval aide-de-camp, thus promoting him in the most public manner for disobedience to orders, and in defiance of the sentence of the court-martial; this being pretty conclusive proof that they had been acting under the instructions of General San Martin himself, for what purpose will appear in the course of the narrative.

As he now sat in his prison, and bitterly lamented that his own disobedience had brought himself into trouble, and deprived his father of the chance of recovering his sight, the fox suddenly stood in front of him.

According to the "Shasta," it is only a formal disobedience to the orders of the Most High, a cabal which God punishes by relegating the rebellious angels to a vast place of shadows called "Ondera" during the period of an entire mononthour. A mononthour is four hundred and twenty-six millions of our years.

Here fighting, bullying, and teasing lead all others; then come stealing, bad manners, lying, disobedience, truancy, cruelty to animals, untidiness, selfishness, etc. Parents' view of this subject Triplett found still different. Here wilfulness and obstinacy led all others with teasing, quarreling, dislike of application and effort, and many others following.

From mother and nurse it was a guerilla gunfire of commands, and blithe, quicksilver disobedience from the three blonde, never-still little girls. Behind the girls was the father, against mother and nurse. And so it was. 'If you don't come quick, nurse, I shall run out there to where there are snakes. 'Joyce, you must be patient. I'm just changing Annabel. There you are.

The good lady was justified in her displeasure at Winnie's daring disobedience; but her words were cold, cruel words, little calculated to inspire the love and confidence of a warm, tender-hearted child.